SOLD - WTS 17m SP Tengu Pilot w/ subsystems@5 magic14 11/14@5

Justad Orable

Birthdate 2013
16,8m SP + 250k SP unused
Positive wallet balance
No negative effective standings
No kill rights
Character in Jita 4-4
In NPC corp
No implant set
No jump clones installed
2 remaps

Taking Offers

Can start you off at 10b.

thanks for bid keeping it up for 48h more.


11.5 bil

12 bil

12,000,000,000.01 :grin:

(I am out, enjoy the potential purchase)

ty for bids. highest bid at friday downtime (aprox, at work so if I am available) get it. I regard Eins NDA as top bid since Hedys increment is not viable. Let us keep it at 500mil increments plz :rofl:


final bump

@Eins_NDA won the auction send ISK and account name.

Джастад Орабль
я передал ISK

@Eins_NDA ISK received and transfer in process.


transfer completed

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