[SOLD] WTS 194mil SP perfect Avatar + capital ship + boost character

SkillQ.net - Mr Lightt

Positive wallet
Positive Sec Status
No kill rights
NPC corp
All CCP Rules Apply.

Starting bid 140B isk.
B/O 185B isk.
I’ll pay transfer fee.
ISK goes to this character (Selling myself)

1.6mil unallocated SP
[Amarr Titan V]
[Doomsday Operation V]
[Doomsday Rapid Firing V]
[Amarr Carrier V]
[Caldari Carrier V]
[Gallente Carrier V]
[Amarr Dreadnought V]
[Caldari Dreadnought V]
[Gallente Dreadnought IV]

140B offer

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Ty for the bid!

141B offer

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ty for the bid!

142B offer

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150B offer

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160B off

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This auction is still active. New B/O price: 190B isk.

170B offer

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TY for your new offer!

This auction is still active. New and final B/O price: 185B isk.

175B offer

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180B of

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This Auction will end in 24 hrs, whoever with the highest bid will won. Thx guys!

185B b/o isk ready, lmk if you going to take my offer