[SOLD] WTS 212mil SP PVP Character, created August 2003

Hello everybody - I’m auctioning myself off for sale.

Comes complete with High-Grade Amulet implant set, and then jump clones with a High-Grade Crystal set and a Mid-Grade Halo set.

No kill rights.

Jump Clones in:


+0.5 Security Status
8.48 Caldari State Standing
9.61 Hyasyoda Corporation Standing
1000 unallocated skill points

Starting bid: 170b

I’ll end the auction once I receive a bid that I’m happy with.

hi 170b, isk ready to send

if your up for a trade? this toon and 40bil?

Thanks, but no thanks ::slight_smile:

well i got 190bil but i have to wait tell this one sells to buy yours so if interested allow me to sell this one first

mail sent in game

177b isk ready thanks,

Still accepting bids

Bid 190 B


@Viodox - this bid is accepted if you have the funds available.

I am heading on vacation tomorrow morning until Monday - I have sent you a pm ingame asking for the target account details.

@Phoenus - Copy that mate, confirmed. I just sent you an in-game response. We’ll get that sorted, and update here.

Thank you!

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@Phoenus - ISK and Account Information Sent. As stated, you will be out on vacation until Monday/Tuesday.

Cheers o7

Character is now transferring, many thanks!

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