[SOLD] WTS 22.7m SP Focused Rorqual Pilot


  • Positive Wallet
  • Remap in 2 months
  • No Kill Rights
  • Located In Hi-Sec

I’ll pay transfer.

Starting Bid 24bil

24b ^^

If nobody offers more by this time tomorrow I’ll accept your offer of 24b, will post here if accepting

EDIT: If no better offers are posted 24 hours after the latest bid ill accept that offer.


25 bil



27 bil

what would be a Buyout price?

Ill do 30 for buyout


how do we proceed?

send me the isk and account name in game and ill start the transfer rn

i can offer 31))

hu, so, do I send to Meiggs? or those 31 mean anything?

I already offered 30 for the buyout price, so ill honor 30 unless Russkiy offers 35 for a higher buyout

ill cover that

do the trade, i dont offer 35b

thanks :slight_smile:

Alrighty! I’ll honor 30b, transfer isk and ill begin transfer shortly

Convo me in-game and we’ll get it sorted