Excellent Damage and EHP for Nyx
T2 Heavy Fighters
JDC IV (V instant with free SP)
Fighters IV (V in 2 weeks or instant with free SP)
+5 implants
Perfect support skills
2M Free SP!
Located in Perimeter
No Kill Rights
Positive Wallet
Looking for offers 28B+
1 Like
1kwSkill == 10B. …2.2kWSkill == 28B+ ???。
Thank you all for the offers. We’re not there yet
sorry dude but for a 22m SP toon your not going to get 28b
Thanks for the input.
A simple search will show this markup is very reasonable for any decent Nyx toon, they sell for much higher prices regularily.
For now I politely ask you to keep this thread for bids only.
I have patience and will wait for the right buyer.
June 17, 2019, 3:36am
a decent nyx toon? cant even use regular fighters lmao
Galente Carrier 4
no light/supportfighter skills
i wouldnt put this even on a shitty thanatos.
i offer 10b for the name
good name
i like name
I like semen and makaroni
but alas… the skills are a bit lack luster
Replace the price, I am up to 25b. Because your skill point is really a bit low.
T2 light fighters - 1 week away
JDC V - Instant with 2M free SP
27b in-game offer received
Thanks for all offers guys, almost there
Please send isk and account info when ready
(Nancy Net)
June 17, 2019, 11:57am
I transfer isk and send my account name to you in game mail.
Will initiate transfer when I get home in 1 hour