[SOLD] WTS 23.5M SP FOCUSED Rorqual pilot


Selling an excellent focused Rorqual pilot with good yield!


  • Industrial Core II
  • ‘Excavator’ Mining Drones
  • Pulse Activated Nexus Invulnerability Core
  • 150k unallocated SP
  • +5 implants

Located in Perimeter
Positive Wallet
No Kill rights

Start 20B
B/O 28B

Ok I’ll start you off at 20 billion

is this toon still for sale?

it is

21 b.

22B isk

Thank you all for the offers, looking for a bit more

25B B/O please let me know if you accept

come chat in-game

OK,I’m already online

Accepted Moss Asuna’s in-game offer
Please send isk and account info

Has been sent isk and account info

Isk received. Transfer initiated.

I haven’t received it yet. Please let me know when it’s finished.

I have received it. Thank you

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