Im going to see if there is any interest in these guys or just extract them next time Skill Extractors go on sale.
CptRetro: CptRetro Board - Quantum Anomaly (
Ishtar, Arazu, Perfect Scanning, Exploration Tengu, Good Fitting/Nav skills.
- Positive Wallet, Positive Sec Standing, In NPC Corp
- Located in Jita with the following implants:
- JCs - None with Implants
- Currently Mapped Int/Mem with 2 bonus remaps available
- Available Kill Rights (was ganked when AFK travelling recently):
Min Bid: 34B
Heavy Armor: Heavy Armor Board - Quantum Anomaly (
Ishtar, Arazu, Scanning, PI, Good Fitting/Nav skills.
- Positive Wallet, Positive Sec Standing, In NPC Corp
- Located in Jita with the following implants:
- JCs - None with Implants
- Currently Mapped Int/Mem with 2 bonus remaps available
- Available Kill Rights (was ganked when AFK travelling recently):
Min Bid: 32B