[SOLD] WTS 32m sp 2005 ,no corp history, price dropped


Retracted. Lets see what offers you get :smile:

28b for it

I have a serious offer for you of 29 bil for this toon. looking to buy before 3/27 . Eve mail me if interested


upped my offer to 30 bil still need by 3/27

Rt withdrawn

Offer withdrawn due to money problems

i offer 30b。 isk in hand

29.5 bil.
You have really good account and i think you can get more ISK than my offer is. But I have only that sum.

I will accept your buyout of 31 bil, i will send you a message ingame and we can go from therre


sorry , i dont want to wait the 1 to 2 days a plex transfer takes, offer withdrawn

buying 30B

30.3b offer

spending 30b whats another 700m time to stop being cheap lol… 31b offer ready to go isk in hand

30.3 b accepted. sending pm ingame

illl send 31b since i up’d the bid

isk sent

sale cancelled isk has been returned becuase not announced plex transfer for character transfer

id send isk back to buyer, i will send via plex,im paying transfer fee.

offer 27b as plex transfer and have to wait three days