WTS 33.4m SP toon cheap (77k unallocated)

Just coming back to eve, want some starting isk for a new toon.

Asking 25b buyout OBO

Positive isk balance
No kill rights
Currently docked in Hardbako system
Mostly pvp but all rounder for very fair price

Let me know if any further info is required I believe I got it all

I’ll give you a 22B b/o. Sound good? Thank you

@someguy2u accepted lmk when you send and ill begin the transfer

Thank you! ISK and account have been sent.

@someguy2u Payment received, would you mind giving me an hour to to begin the transfer process? Then i believe its a 10 hours hold until transfer. Cool?

Sure, no worries. You’re right - it will be 10 hours to complete a transfer

Its asking me what account I transfer the toon to. Would that be someguy2u or? sorry first time using character bazaar

Disregard I see you ingame mail

@someguy2u Transfer complete. Begin 10 hour hold

Great! Thanks for the update

Received the toon. Pleasure doing business. Fly safe o7