Vilgefortz’s Skillboard
T2 guns and T2 Siege at your disposal
Jump Drive Calibration and Operation both at LVL 5
all 2 remaps available!
positive wallet and security status
NO kill rights
at present located in low-sec Irmalin, but can be moved wherever necessary
Bidding starts at 22B, B/O 30B.
Thank you all for looking.
30b given that character transfer starts within 12 hours. Also:
The character being sold must be in an NPC corporation at the time of posting, and for the entire duration of the sale/auction thread being active.
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Flow_Gengod, you got yourself a deal my friend. Character is currently in NPC corp and will remain there, no doubt. I’m gonna start the character transfer as soon as I receive ISKies.
ISK sent along with an in-game mail for account name.
Character transfer initiated, thank you very much, and fly safe!
August 11, 2022, 12:29pm
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