[Sold] WTS 40.5M SP PVE and PVP


Can drive :
·Paladin and Redeemer
·Vargur and Panther

And a full set of High-grade
30B start bid
40b byout

No violation record!!!Daily Bump!!

Daily Bump !!

25B offer

Daily Bump !
Cheapr than others

You will get a lock soon, if you keep bumping like this…

Thanks I’m waiting for a higher price

sorry,I apologize

28B offer

Thanks, but the price I can accept is 30b or higher than 30b The account itself is of good value, and there is also a set of high-grade.

Thanks for the reply.
The highest price I can take is 31B, ISK will send to you quickly if you give me a buyout.
I do value the chance to do deal with you.

OK, deal

ok , byout. so Which account do you want me to transfer to?

thanks for take my offer !
I will send an confirm E-mail to your character for which one is selling,
and you’ll receive the ISK after I got your confirmation.

ISK send,please start transfer

Well, the transfer has been completed. Please check it.

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