SOLD! WTS 42m SP Subcap Pilot


Appreciate your offer mate, but its not where it needs to be. Thank you.

Bump :slight_smile:

Bump :slight_smile:

Bump :slight_smile:

Bump :slight_smile:

Bump :slight_smile:

Bump :slight_smile:

Bump :slight_smile:

Would you take 27?

Hi @Agent_Blackwell Thank you for your offer. It is still not quite what I’m looking for. I understand that people base value on skill injectors but I’ll just do it myself if that is what I was chasing :slight_smile: appreciate you asking though. If I don’t get a bit closer to what I’m chasing soon, I think I’ll just keep him. He is a good pilot

was just offering what I could easily get my hands on. If you’ll go for 29 I could buy after I sell some plex but that is my limit

Sent updated offer in game. Not sure if you check that or not

@Agent_Blackwell Just read offer in game of 30b. Offer accepted and reply sent in game with character name to transfer isk to. Please respond with your account details and I will initiate transfer as soon as isk comes through. Cheers.

@Agent_Blackwell Isk received. Pls send account details

@Agent_Blackwell Account details received in game. Character transfer has been initiated and paid for. Thank you again for your purchase of C25H28N6O7

1 Like

Thank you as well

Character transfer completed

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