【SOLD]】WTS 60M SP Dedicatet Avatar Pilot


Located in jita 4-4
Positive Wallet
No Killrights
In NPC Corp
High-grade Amulett Pod in jita 4-4

Let’s start with 52B
B/O 60B

55B offer.

57b isk in hand.
Can be traded immediately

58B isk in hand. Can trade now.

Looks like the character is very popular, I will make a bid 60b Buyout

If you deal now, I accept your offer

To confirm the transaction, which account do I need to send the isk to

Pay isk and send mail to Pech Tor

I’m going to move on to other characters and in between, if the deal doesn’t go through, I’ll keep my bid

Brother, I have transferred the isk to Pech Tor. Please confirm


Transfer has commenced

Thank you, brother. This is a very pleasant transaction for both parties

nvm retracted

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