**SOLD** WTS +70M SP Subcap PVP Pilot

i will pass than, i wont pay 1b per 1m sp :stuck_out_tongue: have fun!

That was fun! Free bump! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Sprzedajka Saisima I will offer 66B B/O :joy:

egkh my 69 b is still up btw

70.5B is your turn and you can guess my bid in the next time

i am not going over 69b so you won at 70 i guess :wink: gratz

maybe it’s not the last bid ?

i honestly doubt if someone go higher but, who knows :stuck_out_tongue:

Going once at 70b @Carnagie

Good morning. Going twice at 70b @Carnagie

isk is ready eeeeeen it’s 0:53 in my TZ so it’s good night ,haha.

71 B buyout, isk ready :innocent: :innocent: :innocent:

you win

my offer will expire in 2 hours @Mugatu_von_Jagerbombs

that’s smart

SOLD to @Sprzedajka_Saisima 71B


Thanks @Carnagie

I owe you and @D3vil_May_Cry for going to war over this.

Ty, its super expensive but i love this name xD

isk have been sent, account name on ingame mail

Message received. Working on transfer (I’ll figure it out hang on!)