[SOLD] WTS CCP Alpha's Corpse from 6/29 Event

CCP Alpha has been employed for over 4 years by CCP. He was a GM who now has a higher title. He created an event yesterday in which he was streaming with Loussy Lou. He is one of few russian/english speaking employees by CCP and very rarely loses a pod. A must have for any collector.

This auction is for a bid for a private contract for his corpse delivered in JITA 4-4 to the highest bidder.

Starting bid 1b, BIN is 20b. End date Approx ~ a week.
Good Luck!

1 isk

2 isk

1b bid

2b isk. Will give it a good home

bump, will be let go by the end of the week

~24 hrs left on the auction. 2b current highest offer. winner will win this rare corpse very soon!

auction over contracted to rowan crendraven. if you can’t see the corpse is actually what you paid for I can do a trade also. ty for the bids and grats to the winner!

Thanks. Added to the bay


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