Hi i need free the space. Iam selling this female pilot.
3.9m assigned in game screen, and 250k free points.
Mining Barge IV
Cyber IV
No history, some points in drone to be useful.
She is in kisogo, positive wallet, ni kiling rights, all ccp rules apply.
I can trandfer her passing 5 hours the downtimne, need fund my credit card.
Please answer the thread, i am not reading eve mail.
I am intrested in Dawn, can she pilot exhumer or only barge?
Only barge but have 250k and the injectors take full effect currently because is less than 5m
Would you take 2.5 billion
Does she have ship and some assets?
Lol. no.
But making a Procurer fitted are 30m
I will take her 2.6 billion is it possible for her to be transfered to my Alt account?
Yeah. send the isk and account name and itransfer in 20 min, need goto fund my credit card.
please answer here when the isk and account name were sent.
Okay, I send to dawn Parker yes?
both to dawn parker yes . =)
remember send the mail with the acc name.
ISK along with account name sent.
receivedand i am entering the toon for stop queue and transfer. Give me 5 minutes.
transfer was done one moment ago, you must receive the mail of the transaction shortly ty
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