Hello I am for sale
skillboard link:
All command ships 5
All t3 cruisers 5
Fleet Command 5 etc
Plus many supporting skills
1024000 unallocated skill points
Including mindlinks: Republic Fleet, Fed Navy and Mining Foreman
Pilot and all its jumpclones located in lowsec 1 or 2 jumps out of hisec
Positive wallet
Positive sec status
No killrights
I will pay transfer fee.
Price: 45b
Contact only via forum please.
Price reduced to 45b, and daily bump
40b and we have a deal, this offer is valid next 24h
37.5 and i will send right now
no deal, 40b is absolute minimum for me, sorry
sending isk and account details now
ok will start transfer within 30 minutes after isk arrived
40bil isk sent to Xander Ricks
account details sent though mail in game
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