SOLD ______________WTS Focused 17.7 M Amarr Pilot _________________ SOLD

Currently in Amarr High Sec 1.0

The sp is extremely focused so you can fly frigates, cruisers and battleships very well. Can fly Paladin too with Marauder lvl 4.

B/O 14B

11 bil buyout offer

Already send you the 14b and account.

Inactive Seller bought the character, I already got the ISK and began transfer, please confirm that.

Transfer Character

We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.

Character Name: Karna Surya

Will be completed after: 1/21/2018 4:48:34 AM

Many thanks. You do the type of char i was bseeking last month.

Many many many thanks.

Enjoy and fly safe.

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