WTS: Amarr Pilot (Born 07-2004) - 19.6m SP (No Corp History)


I am up for sell:

  • My Skills (Password: 619)
  • Positive Balance
  • Located in Jita
  • 3 Remaps


  • Good name
  • No corp history
  • Amarr pilot
  • Strong T3 pilot

With this pilot you can go any direction you want in EVE.

Start-bid: 19B
B/O: Suprise me

Transfer will be done by Plex.

All CCP-rules apply.

Start you off with 15 billion.


16.5 Billion

17 Bil

Current BID is 17b Looking for abit more.

Daily bump

17.5 Billion.

Daily bump

Email sent.

18 bil

Noticed your 18b offer, ty

Received an 18b offer ingame aswell

Thank you for the acknowledgement of the bid/offer. I am unable to go any higher.

Please let me know if you accept or not.

Thank you kindly.

Well, if he came first, you may wanna take his bid.

Giving people the chance to reply. If there is not a new bid before DT i will accept @Eben_Jorudel offer as a BO


Offer accepted.

Send isk and information ingame, so i can start sorting it

No reply received from @DEV0CHKA9

Char is back up for sell

@Kigori I am still interested, if you’ll accept the 18b.


Send me ingame mail with details and the B/O price.