SOLD WTS Nice Pilot 2005 6.5m

This pilot was created in 2005 and i go to sold him because i get a female pilot of that date. As you can see, he have 1192k ready for assign. Was give via daily injectors but now i dont need him anymore.

3 respec
partial thukker reputation

Nearly no killbord, few corporations.

Is in high sec, no kill rights, positive wallet, all ccp rules apply.

If interested answer the thread, i am not reading the evemail of the involved pilots.

I can deliver tomorrow because i need receive first the female pilot who go to replace him, before transfer him out.

I am for sale


4b isk.

Do u have a Buyout ?

Well, considering the 800k per million and the fact of nearly three extractors, i assume 1.2 per extractor value, plus 3b for the first 5m, raw value is 4.2

Buyout is 4.6b

I’ll pay buyout then.

Sold, send the isk and acc name and i deliver as soon as i receive the other pilot (three hours before downtime)

I will send it when I get home from work in a couple hours.

Ok please update the thread when you do it.


Isk sent, mail with account name sent.

Isk and acc name received, i transfer one moment ago.

Thanks for the business.

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