[SOLD] WTS Wyvern/Hel Toon 39,1M SP

WTS Me: https://eveskillboard.com/pilot/Greyta 39,1M Sp

Positive Waller
No Killrights
Located in Jita (Highsec)

can Fly Amarr Interceptor.

Starting Bid is 35B

Bid Steps are 0,5Bil isk.

He Can sit in Hel and Wyvern,

for the Nidhoggur it got the Skins,

The Bloddy Hands

For the Hel:

Sebiestor Skin


Hunter´s Quiver

waiting for your bids :slight_smile:

28 bil

29 bil

30 bil

30.5 bil

31 bil

Thx for the Free Bumps.

To The Top Again

To The Top again :slight_smile:

Bump to The top Again :slight_smile:

35B to start you off if u dont find another buyer for this great toon.

Thanks for the Offer is noticed, lets see what we can reach

Get ur Super Toon and start ratting :slight_smile:

36 bil

Pay ISK i start Transfer :slight_smile:

ISK and the account name sent

Charakter Transfer Started:

Wir sind gerade dabei, den Transfer zu bearbeiten. Bis der Prozess abgeschlossen ist, wird der zu transferierende Charakter auf Ihrem Konto verbleiben, ist aber während dieser Zeit nicht spielbar.

Charaktername: Greyta

Wird fertiggestellt in: 05.07.2018 18:05:07

37 billions

account Transfer still started, so no new offers accepted sorry

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