Trained in all races but least is Amarr but presently training Amarr Cruiser.

Auction start 50b
B/O offers mail me in game.

52 bil b/o

53 :stuck_out_tongue:

54 bil:kissing_heart:

55 bil

56 billion

56.5 bil

58 bil

58.5 bil

59.5b Offer in-game. I am considering this offer and will be happy to update if sold or if a better offer is made. Presently up to 67.6m SP.

60 bil

60.5 bil

61 bil

Hia Jez, I am willing to accept your offer for this account.

ok sending isks and account info

Before I send the isks. Please remove from your corp. Needs to be on an NPC corp and update your eveskill board to show the update. thank you

Character is now in NPC Corp.
Updated Eveboard.

sending isks and account info

61 billion isks and account info sent.
Please confirm receipt of isks and status of character transfer.
Thank you

I will be returning from work in roughly 6hours and will begin transfer at this time.