Pass: 123
- High standings with Sisters of EVE & Caldari
- Can fly Golem with LVL 5 missiles and ship skill
- Expensive implant set. Over 2.5bill Isk plus clones elsewhere.
- Located in Highsec
- Positive wallet
- Positive sec status +5
Char was used for PVE but is easily adjusted into PVP with a good set of core skills.
Starting bid: 35bill
Buyout: 45bill
No in game messages as I don’t really check on this toon.
36b ready
Edit : Mail me if you want to discuss a buyout more reasonably
Post or mail me your best offer I guess. I Look at mail via forums when I check here.
38 Billion ISK right here.
I’ll give you your buyout price
Mail in game
Will be able to check in game mail in about 5hrs and get back to you, in work currently.
Don’t have any in game mail, if you are offering BO price listed send ISK and account info I’ll try and check before work tonight so I can transfer.
ATM Highest forum bid currently stands at 38bill.
I’m around for a little bit if ISK and account name sent soon can transfer before I go offline. In mean time bidding still open until ISK received.
(Asuna DED)
Has been sent isk and account info
Character transfer started. Enjoy the toon.
14 Jul 2019 19:20
EVE Character transfer
(Asuna DED)
I have received it. Thank you