Does not have a negative wallet
Does not have a negative security status
No killrights
No jump clones
Located in Amarr Trade Hub
No bounties
+5 Implants
I’ll pay the transfer fee via PLEX
Not in any real hurry to sell. But I’d definitely like to see more than just 1 bid at 12B.
This toon can also be used as an SP farm, and already has been several times. I’ve got the +5 implants in it for that very purpose.
It doesn’t look like anyone else is going to bid so. Call it a deal.
Send the ISK to this toon in game and an eve mail of the account to be transferred to.
As soon as all is received I will submit the support ticket to start the transfer process.
Perfect. ISK received and transfer support ticket has been submitted. I have included a screenshot of the ticket in a eve mail as promised. Please be patient as it may take CCP a few days to process.