
14 M SP Thanatos/Nyx sitter

with 2.6M Unallocated

All thanatos skillbooks bought and injected. Currently piloting a thanatos comfortably.

WTS for at least 17.5B because a similar one with no skill book (worth about 1B ) and less focused skill was sold for 16B recently WTS Nyx siter / starter 14,28m SP

2 remap and +4 implant set. no kill right. positive wallet. Still price checking, will move to npc corp if a deal is made.

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18b is ready

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Confirm I am for sell

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Thanks for bidding, if there is no more bid in 48 hours I am selling to the 18B bid from KOKOo_SU . Looking for 20B b/o. I will be transfering the character to npc corp in 12 hours after i sort out the assets on the character.

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bump bump bump

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It‘s too slow.I recall my bit.

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Sorry for the waiting, I have already moved to npc corp, i can transfer the character to you now.

Are you still intended to buy for 17.5B? The account is ready to transfer.

Still available. BUMP

Still available at 17.5B. immediate transfer.

17.5 b/0

Accepted, the transfer will start once I receive the isk.


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