Combat pilot. No industry skills.
105bil extraction value.

Find everything you want to know in the link below:

Starting at 105b.

105b offer

If you agree, I can send isk now

106 b

Thanx for your offer, I will wait at least 24hours before accepting any offers.

106.5b ready

107 b


108 b



Your offer of 110b. is accepted

110.5 b

but only 22h left

Your offer is accepted as well. First come, first served.

Money sent
Account transfer info sent

I’m still at work. Can you wait for me?
I can pay a higher price,115B offer

Sorry mate, Onelastgoodbye already send the isk. This chacarter is sold.

Generally speaking, the price increase of 0.5B is not allowed

It was not the price. 110b. was my price. Its was the speed the isk was transferd. Sorry mate. Good luck finding a nice character.

It is done