-- Sold --

I would like to sell this character. He has a positive wallet and no kill rights. He is in an NPC corporation and he is located in Jita. He has a couple of jump clones in hi sec and null sec. I am going to let this run until I get a good offer.

Here is a list of skills and what not. Balarkel Skills

Lowering buyout to: 65 bil OBO

50b offer isk ready


Thanks for the offers. Buyout has been set to 65 bil OBO. I will let this run for another 24 hours or buyout.

58 b offer

Finmon, your offer of 58 bil is accepted. Please send isk to this character with an ingame mail with account details for the character transfer.

okey, in progress

isk and acc info have been sent in game awaiting transfering

Isk Received and Character transfer has begun. Thanks!

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