
How long will the auction take place ?

Ill end in 12 hours!

Unfortunately, after 6 hours I will no longer participate in the auction, if we cannot agree within 6 hours, cancel all my bids.

Ill accept your 46b in 6 hours if no one bids higher


47 bil

50 bil

I decided to give in to you, take this character. I’m canceling all my bets.

Ban Ladan has the high bid with 50B, Auction still closes today!

50B accepted! please sent the isk to this account including the name of the account where the pilot is going!

Let me know here when youve sent the isk please thank you

ISK and account info sent

transferred money from the character Tsasam

ISK Recieved, Transfer beginning very shortly

Transfer Initiated

On the way to the Account name givin from in game mail. I really hope you enjoy this account it was my favorite for many years

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