April 2, 2023, 9:44pm
WTS me
Positive wallet balance.
No kill rights.
In NPC corporation.
Char Located in high sec
With High Amulet 1-6, Odin’s eye, EM-804, RF-906, HG-1005
worth approx 4bil+
Start bid: 45bil
Buyout: 55bil
prefect toons for low-sec dreads brawl.
46b offer.can not be higher anymore
Thank you for your generosity. I will scrape together enough money to get to your account around 11:00 tomorrow(+8time)
47b offer, ISK ready but transfer will need to wait 10 hours (need to initiate & complete biomass on a character). Please confirm if you accept the offer and ISK will be sent immediately.
okay .im give up. good luck and fly safe
April 6, 2023, 3:24pm
accept @GET_RICH_QUICK , send mail and isk
Isk and mail has been sent. Biomass has been initiated, I will let you know when it completes and the destination account has a free slot.
April 6, 2023, 4:06pm
@GET_RICH_QUICK isk and mail confirm, please tell me when you ready for transfer
Biomass is complete, please initiate transfer
Character received, thank you!
July 6, 2023, 9:03pm
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