
Located in Jita 4-4
Positive sec status and wallet / no killrights / in NPC Corp
Jump skills lvl 5 - Carrier ready pilot
Good gunner and missile skills
Good armor and shield skills

Starting bid: 82b (lowered to 80b)

1 Like

76B offer

No, but thanks for the bump!

77b offer

No, but thanks for the bump!

Daily bump

Daily bump and price lowered to 80b!

Random question, did you happen to have a different toon named Icy Bear at one time?

Also free bump/glws

I dont know about the previous owner, but i never had such a toon in the past!

78B offer

80B buyout

Offer accepted, send isk and account name please!

Offering 78 B if Evil Dog hasn’t appeared to complete transaction yet and Elsa Krupp’s bid would also be invalid considering she bought another character and would be busy with it.
My offer only stands until I buy another character that I have made a bid on. Not enough ISK to buy both.

isk and account info sent.


Isk and acc name received.
Transfer initiated.

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