
PW: 1234

Sec status 0.0
Located Jita 4-4
low corp history
zero kills/losses
has 4/5 +5 learning implants
zero kill rights
+2 neural remaps available

B/O 21bil

18 bil



Porke, I’ll accept you b/o if it still stands. Send isk and account name to WickedRed and I’ll get the transfer process started.

Still for sale.


I’m giving your offer consideration. Would you do 20bil?

it’s ok . 20b

When next neutral remap will be available ? I don’t ask about normal remaps.

20.1 b now

She hasn’t been remapped in over a year and half

Please poke me in game.

In game buyout of 20.5 bil from Twin Pipe accepted. Awaiting Isk and Account information.

Price agreed in game.
Will send ISK and account details soon.

ISK and account details sent.

Ok computer is updating will start transfer as soon as it’s done

We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.

Character Name: WickedRed

Will be completed after: 5/3/2018 7:03:41 AM

Received mail about pending transfer.

Thank you.

You’re welcome! Thanks for buying.