Solo Mission runner lv4

Oh, for sure. “Only fly what you can afford to lose” and all that.

However, I usually assume that either:

  • the stated budget is stated after properly assessing risk
  • the person stating the budget still needs to learn that lesson by experience, even if they have already been told.

Either way, it then makes sense to spend a good fraction of the stated budget.

A sentry domi is a valid L4 ship though, no doubt, It is easy on the budget when starting plus quite likely a very good income/ship value if you think you are in a risky environment (like running HS SoE L4s, a place I’ve seen quite a few gankers given the concentration of mission runners).


I usually assume the opposite when it comes to the budget. I’ve heard far too many people state they have a budget of so and so and then find out that’s all the isk they had.

I use the domo for those exact reasons. Its cheap and blows stuff up an in acceptable manner.

I dont want to spend my oak on mission running ships. I only run missions to fund my PvP ships.

Well, that’s the point about running Lvl 4s in expensive ships: time is money and the faster you are doing the missions, the more money you earn and the more pvp you can do instead of doing pve. For me it’s just about not sitting too long in a single mission, because long missions(longer than 30 mins) simply annoy me - but I still enjoy earning moderate amounts of isk while watching all the pretty explosions.

It’s basically a one time investment that continues to steadily pay off over time.


Yes, but those people most likely already had heard “don’t fly what you can’t afford to lose” before making that mistake. You might have saved them a mistake (which is nice), but then they’ll make it again when you are not there to save them from themselves. In my experience, either it sinks in when you hear it, or it is driven in when your overly fancy ship blows up.

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I love using my Tengu or Gila for level 4 security missions. No issues with pulling all triggers with these two ships.

No ideas what ya doing in your “Machariel” but its one of the best level 4 mission runners.

I was checking your skills out, looking good

You need to train “Gravimetric Sensor Compensation” for Golem
Also train “Ladar Sensor Compensation” for Machariel
Also train “Marauders” skill to level 5.
Also train your Rigging skills, to level 4.

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If you’re going to go for the Machariel for L4s, go Polarized or go home.

[Machariel, Polarized]

Polarized 800mm Repeating Cannon, Republic Fleet EMP L
Polarized 800mm Repeating Cannon, Republic Fleet EMP L
Polarized 800mm Repeating Cannon, Republic Fleet EMP L
Polarized 800mm Repeating Cannon, Republic Fleet EMP L
Polarized 800mm Repeating Cannon, Republic Fleet EMP L
Polarized 800mm Repeating Cannon, Republic Fleet EMP L
Polarized 800mm Repeating Cannon, Republic Fleet EMP L
Auto Targeting System II

Gist X-Type 500MN Microwarpdrive
Tracking Computer II, Optimal Range Script
Sensor Booster II, Scan Resolution Script
Tracking Computer II, Optimal Range Script
Large Cap Battery II

Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Core X-Type Large Armor Repairer
Core X-Type Large Armor Repairer
Signal Amplifier II

Large Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer I
Large Projectile Burst Aerator II
[Empty Rig slot]

Gecko x2
Hobgoblin II x5

AND ALSO - Genolution Implants

This thing endorses the concept of “functional bling”. It has blingy reps because it needs them, a blingy MWD so it can sig-tank better and move around faster, and Geckos because those things are super good Heavy drones with omni damage AND much better tracking/travel/tank compared to T2 heavies. Everything else? T2, don’t need nothing fancier than that.

All that being said, this Machariel will rip through L4 sites faster than you can blink with its staggering 1750+ DPS and incredible speeds. Your Noctis friend will not be able to keep up with it.


Also without experience he will lose it in his first serious Level 4. Not to mention the Geckos.

OP, forget about polarized weapons, since they remove your tank resists. :no_good_woman:


Don’t need resists when you have enough reps and you can control the distance between yourself and the rat hordes with your speed. Also, you will not learn how to do this with a Rattlesnake or Golem, so I dunno where he’ll get the “experience” to use even a Machariel, nevermind a polarized one, by playing it super ultra idiot-proof safe.

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Yeah fuk him if he doesn’t wants to play like you…


I’ve been running a Golem for many years now, almost identical to Donnachadh’s.

That being said, I also run a Raven just for the fun of it once in a while.
A Raven can tank all L4s too, without any real fancy stuff. It is the old “cookie cutter” set up.

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I’m just throwing in my two cents. Yes, it is a different play-style and yes, it is not for everyone, but it still works and for some it will be their thing more than the mainstream cruise RNI/Rattlesnake/Golem.

Don’t get upset just because your idea is not the only one out there that works.

Wow…that’s bananas…but also the coolest mission ship fit I’ve ever seen. Do you have a video of you doing a mission in this?

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The polarized Machariel fit is fine, but it’s essentially a $600-million ISK gank magnet (well over a billion ISK when you factor in the hull). Also, at ranges past 45km a standard T2 Machariel fit outpeforms polarized auto cannons - so it’s a question of how much more you benefit.

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I found this Golem fit somewhere on these forums, posted by someone who really knows what they’re doing. I can’t remember who it was, so apologies to that person; if they see this, thank you. This fit has minimal minimal tank, but I haven’t had any issues. Control aggro and distance, but there have been a few where I triggered the entire pocket and was popping ships as they approached, and they did not make it past 50-60km to me. It’s also cheap, all things considered, with the obligatory 4 CN BCSs and a cheap Pithi shield booster. The fit is all about application.

[Golem, Level 4]
[Low Slot]
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Damage Control II

[Mid Slot]
Target Painter II
Target Painter II
Missile Guidance Computer, Missile Precision Script
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Pith C-Type Large Shield Booster
Large Micro Jump Drive

[High Slot]
Cruise Missile Launcher II
Cruise Missile Launcher II
Cruise Missile Launcher II
Cruise Missile Launcher II
Bastion Module I
Small Tractor Beam I
Small Tractor Beam I
Salvager I

Large Warhead Flare Catalyst I
Large Warhead Rigor Catalyst I

She’s a beaut. It typically one-volleys everything up to Battleship, which typically take 3 volleys. Also, Elite Cruisers can take 2-3 volleys. What more can you really ask for?

Edit: I should add that you could take out the Damage Control for a 4th Ballistic Control System, but the added bonus of the 4th one is really negligible, and almost amounts to a wasted slot. I suppose you could throw in a missile guidance enhancer, but I think by this point the bonus gained to application would also be negligible.

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Far too tanky for a cruise fit.

A 5th low slot and buff to missiles? There are a number of tweaks that I’d make, but just off the top of my head: a pair of T2 rigors and a Deadspace 500MN MWD instead of a second adaptive invulnerability.

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The Golum is awesome for lvl 4’s. A couple of items not mentioned; Mobile Tractor and Mobile Depot saves time and allows you to modify your fit on the fly. For example a couple of cargo expanders, mwd and spare drones makes life easier.

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The Golem is a fairly decent Marauder. However, the other Marauders will usually run circles around it as they require less modules for damage application, less ammunition and can generally apply full (instant) damage to all types of NPCs. They also have more drone capability making them a bit more versatile. This isn’t to say that the Golem is a poor choice - just that its performance is near the bottom among Marauders.


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