Solo Player

93 Mil Sp
About me
Dont mind training for Indoctrinate ships or skills,
So I have Played eve for the last two years,
I did play many years ago but sold the toon off for iskies and stared again.
I use to FC and Do all kinds of Director stuff but due to Corp Drama and things not goings the ways people though they would I left the game. I came back a few years ago and started from the ground up building up a solid toon and isk account,
Family man who works shifts,
When im on i can be on for hours or just to sort Industrial stuff out or just to see who is on say hello and then ■■■■ of back to watching Netflix with the missus.
I looking for Nul sec really, Looking for some where that i can rat away do exploration, rat and join PvP Fleets when Im able to.
So basicly Im back to wanting to
Kill ships
Earn Iskies
But above all else i want some where that when i log on there is some one to talk total ■■■■ or bants or how to do stuff or planning to do stuff,

My work hours are kinda crazy so if im on I want to make some thing happen, No way do I want to log on and sit in station thinking i would be better off login on to pornhub and knocking one out and then going to bed.

Soon to be single toon that wants isk, activity, and companionship, Or im going to just basicly play with myself until my Missus tapes my hands together and locks me in the basement.
Oh and
like a total tard I didnt state that im EU based, but due to shift work will hang with Any any TZ


Feel free to take a look at our homepage, maybe it can be something for you. :slight_smile:
If you have any questions, feel free to join our discord and poke us.
You can read more about us and how to find us at The Nordic Associates [NARVI] [Test Wiki Please Ignore]

Best regards

Stain life - Corporations & Alliances / Recruitment Center - EVE Online Forums
we are a smaller tightnit pvp corp located out in stain that believes rl comes first and play to have fun. join our discord and chat to see if we are a fit for you

Feel free to take a look at our topic and look if thid sounds like a corp for you.

If you would consider to move to J-space, where you can make a lot of ISK and small to mid-scale PVP, read our post. I think it could be interesting for you.

Hi Rejected,
If you want to hit rocks or PVE and talk ■■■■ give this a read

The alliance is active so if Corp mates arnt on there is always someone to hangout with.
Fly safe 07

Oreet bud am looking for vets to join my corp we live in sov null if you fancy the sov life and want to learn more about us pop on our discord