I haven’t read any of the posts here, but this is my solution to the current ganking trend.
Lower the EHP for Orcas and Freighters. If they would been easier to gank, than others, for example mining barges would be less ganked.
PLEX an other account?
One shouldn’t have to do that simply to move from point A to B in high sec.
I am all for ganking. Done it myself. Bumping for 20+ minutes is poor game play for the person being bumped. ■■■■ or get off the pot.
Bumping is part of the game, your sentiment about it is irrelevant: you adapt your ways and you minimise your risks or you don’t. Nothing more, nothing less.
LOL. That thread made my day. Holy carp…
This thread is adorable, like someone saying life should be fair.
While I don’t care for this thread and believe anyone unhappy with the state of the game should simply stop playing it, am I somewhat intrigued by your comment.
Are you really comparing your life to a computer game and somehow wish for your life to be unfair? Whatever you were trying to say with your comment, it is by far the worst comparison one could possibly imagine. Do go and find somebody in a wheel chair, or any disability at all, and ask them if they wouldn’t wish for life to be a little bit more fair to them. Please, I dare you.
So starting a set of ganking toons is discouraged now? Oh well, deal with it.
No, was meaning the thread is as adorable as someone saying life should be fair, as in a dreamer or naive innocent. As well, I never ask anyone about their wishes, I can think of less interesting things to hear about, but not many. Keep whipping yourself into a frenzy though, by all means.
I got that. You meant to show how little you care about the thread by dismissing it with an analogy. Only you’re too ignorant to comprehend that life and a PvP game are not the same. You are no less adorable in your ignorance than this thread is, son.
If you truly don’t care for the topic then don’t say anything. This is what I do… That was until you came along.
Your response interested me.
EVE has a lot in common with real life, just not necessarily with the artificial shell that is being placed upon the lives of people who grow up in “wealthy” nations.
And of these caged people exist many. For them, there is not really a difference between EVE and their screwed perception of real life, because everything that affects their feelings is real for them. They have never learned how to deal with uncomfortable feelings in a way that actually makes them independent from others! They are used to whining until it stops. That is their only way of coping with feelings. That is what they do. All these threads (ganking, wars, afk cloaking, skillpoints, etc) provide living proof of it, in a myriad of ways.
Life outside of the invisible cage of degenerated people who live in too much wealth, too much protection, too much sugar coating and too much comfort is pretty much like EVE… or the other way round. : - )
Act self-responsibly
Walking through a poor district, with high crime rates, in a shiny suite, with suitcase and a visibke rolex simply will not end well. The same is valid for EVE, but everywhere. -
Be vigilant
You can get robbed, scammedand shot down anywhere in EVE, and you can be robbed and tricked out of your money every day IRL. Getting shot down happens IRL too. -
Group up/Work harder/Work smarter
When you can’t do something, or want to increase your chance of survival, you have to group up with like minded people… or be smarter than the rest. This has been valid for all of humanity since ever. Even if societies degenerated into this unnatutal way of thinking (too much protection, too much wealth, too much comfort) … they’ve all been wiped eventually, one way or another.
He is right. Life is not fair and the comparison is valid. “Life” has no concept of fairness. It is what you make of it, and the same applies to EVE ONLINE, because that is how the game works. These people suck at EVE and they suck at Life outside of the golden cage they live in.
I still wonder if such people hate on natural selection and evolution as well.
This time you are the ignorant one. : - )
No, because you still only compare your life to a PvP game. You’ve only discovered that a game can have similarities to life. Congrats, you’re like the very first gamer ever to get this! … * cough … nerd *
In a PvP game are you meant to be shot at and to suffer loss, which is also why you are immortal.
That one can get shot at sometimes in life, too, is only tragic. In EVE do you get shot at for laughs and it’s quite all right.
Why do you even think people are upset when they’re being ganked? … Fill in the blanks.
Now please, no more of this “EVE is like real life” nonsense. It’s getting cute now.
You are ignorant. EVE’s similarities to real life have the least to do with getting shot at. Instead of assuming you know better, you should consider asking what the other person is thinking.
Then I would have told you that the similarities are more about freedom and responsilbity. How EVE is pretty organic, with actual culture and a working society, despite CCP’s horrible attempts of catering to the little guy. About taking care of ones self and about working hard to reach a goal. About how whining does not help outside of an environment full of whiny princesses. About how one is not entitled to having a voice without needing to face potentially painful consequences.
My perspective is much bigger than yours, and you just want people to stop talking about it, not even realising the importance of it all in context of these people, who mistake their golden cage with actual reality.
You are not even back this long, and you already make the same mistakes others do.
Sure… okay.
How about you put a dress on? You’re already cute. Might as well make you look sexy, too.
Oh oh, I can already see you trying to reply to this…
Not empty quoting.
I’m going to explain this to you once, but then I leave you to your fate.
Look, it is not about finding similarities between life and a game. First of all do you need to have a life and not just substitute a game for it. If you don’t have a life then you’re not going to have one by playing EVE or by priding yourself with how you play the game. So when you do have a life then stop looking for similarities, because there is no gain from it. Instead, realize where the game is different, build new expectations with it and don’t try to bring outside expectations into it. Play the game by its very own rules and not the rules of life.
I hope you get this, but if not then that’s cool, too - we then just have to find a nice pair of shoes for you to wear to your dress.
Glad you finally got it. I remember you whining pretty hardcore years ago about this very thing.
Holy ship someone who actually understands Eve. (Not even sarcastic)
The takeaway here is simple. The Risk/Reward Ratio is severely skewed.
Players make themselves targets by fitting more than everything I own into a single slow ship.
I’d kill myself too if I caught myself doing something that dumb.
Darwin’s law is in full effect