How to deal with hisec ganking…get good.
No profit motive in AGing.
Haulers need to devote time n one ALT to AG, or give isk to AG groups. This is the best non buff/nerf solution.
What a waste of energy. He could fly a tayra with a MWD equipped and hoover your loot from your wrecks but instead he chooses this.
just 15 minutes ago justbefore downtime i saw code gank a 1 day old player in .8 Tar .so it is a problem in in spite of all the denials i see here
Never heard of facpol?
Isnt this how EVE is supposed to be?
I once saw something happening, therefore it is a serious problem happening everywhere, all the time.
Carebear logic.
In other news…
Gank…ing trend? BLAP!
I also think that the ganking of new players is really a problem for the future of the game.
Essentially it’s a strong limitation for the gathering of new people. I have a RL friend that
has tried to start to play but he has given up after one week where he was ganked 2 times.
Even willing to keep the current game mechanisms, CCP has to find a solution to this problem that will have for sure bad “long term” consequences.
A solution could be to avoid player VS player interaction in some systems (e.g. sec>=0.9 or
first spawn systems), leaving only the market and not even contracts.
Define long term, bearing in mind that the ganking of players, both new and old, has been happening for well over a decade without killing the game.
LOL, he thinks ganking is “really a problem for the future of the game”, in a game where players have been getting ganked on a daily basis for the past 15 years and the game is still going…
There’s also no way of telling a new player from a veteran player with a new alt…
In fact the trend on number of players (once the effects of exceptional events are removed) is not positive since several years. Usually a negative trend at some (critical) point becomes a fall, and at that point it’s too late for any intervention.
I don’t think ganking has anything to do with new player retention. Players these days are younger and simply don’t want to invest the time necessary to learn the game. They want instant gratification, happy happy joy joy, risk free play environment, and EVE is not that game. It never has been and never will be…
You’re wrong, go away.
You are wrong as well. Go away!
Is there a downward trend though?
Looking at the PCU the number of players online is actually fairly stagnant, which is neither growth nor decline; historically more players were online when Eve was much more dangerous than it is now.
Ganking is actually fairly rare, unless you’re doing something daft you’re more likely to be hit by a flying boat, 50 miles inland; I doubt very much that it leads to as many people quitting as you think it does and I can pretty much guarantee that Eve loses more players to natural attrition than it does to ganking, natural attrition being people who no longer play because their real life circumstances and commitments are more important than internet spaceships.
Having an uninformed opinion is okay, but expressing it without the necessary awareness of it being uninformed …
Suicide ganking has never been a problem and thus can not be today, even more so because there is less ganking happening nowadays.
The game is fine. You people are broken.
1 day old
not good however you view it