Solution to the Empire ganking trend

Sorry only flunkies receive marching orders. :grinning::grinning::grinning:

Yesterday I had a duel with an Enyo where real PvP tactics were used. Why doesn’t CODE engage in more dueling events with real PvPer’s?

The cost of a duel is much lower than the cost of CODE. having to issue war decs so that their non-gankering-simcard-heroes can PvP.

What the CODE Alts are is simple. They are the foot soldiers that are meat for the battle. Their “Heroes” then war dec adversaries attacking their gank fleets so that their meat-packing-glitterati soldiers can freely gank without being attacked back by Pilots.

For some reason CODE. hates when Capsuleer’s have CODE. kills on their boards, especially when it comes to High Sector kills.

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I salute you Dryson o7
All of KEK salutes Dryson o7

You are out there
In the trenches
Cut off

But do you quit on us


I’ll 1v1 you for my friends in CODE.
Uedama 2000 hours
Bring whatever bc you want (or not if you’re scared lul)

Have to be a member of code, not one of their rejects. :grinning:

A corp does not make an Agent

I’m still very much CODE. lol

Just like you’re still pretty irrelevant in the discussion

Come on Dom tell us the story about the recent spat you had with james000, Saladhadbeans alluded to it in his ‘toxic’ memo.
Out with it, you know we like a gud story. Put your spin on it before anyone else comes out.

I don’t have to :slight_smile:
The past is behind for a reason

Code ‘is’ Jimmy000. And you would still champion an org that dumps on you. Move on Dom, else you be the m in BDSM.

Seriously m8, better for your self esteem. This new alliance must be better, making playmates there??

Dom you know I care.:no_mouth::grinning::grin:

Then go away because I sure don’t give a fish about your irrelevant opinion and pretty awful trolling attempts lol

Oh don’t be like that Dom, l’ve always given you the very best advice.

You should consider me like Hal on board your ship, like 2001 space odessy.

I’m not the only one but I take no glory in what has to be done to CODE.


That there is a humble hero, a big erection of a statue is not enough, I will propose to the ISD crowd ( n they rp this stuff seriously ) a training academy be named in your honour.

( What they train is not important )
What is important is people start to acknowledge your pioneering work.

Well I tried, but you jumped corp. Then again, you are no real PvPer :joy::joy::joy:

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Again with the tears, tishue dear. You are very emo.

You are really good. They just keep biting endlessly.

I tip my imaginary hat to you.

I don’t get it. Is it a generational gap?

  1. Find a hand full of people he is willing to duel
  2. Make it happen.
  3. Have a fleet of gankers, plus one small disco for the pod, interfere and kill him every time.

You would need a swimming pool to contain the raging foam that would come out of his mouth.

He already gets dunked every time he shows up. Despite him crying about “real PvP” he is only interested in shooting stuff where the NPC police helps him.

Check out this gem: Unable to Leave Corporation - a potential bug that is being exploited

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As a mostly carebear, I can assure you everything is fine. The solution is to stop carebears being lazy and to teach them how to overheat their shield hardeners. I still like the idea of ‘survive mails’, which would record the fact that 99% of suicide gank attempts on prepared carebears actually fail.

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Except Hal could spell: “advice”. Sorry, I’m an old man whose 1.5 bottles of sav blanc in. Flame away. Apologies from a lover of the English (as opposed to the American) language.