Now I don’t want to be picky, but this is how you post you machine specs this days:
What happened to Cowsay?
It got pwnyfied
Needs more Dakka.
–Mekgineer Gadget
I have the 4790k too! Friggin’ thing is beast. Sits at 4.6 right out of the box without O.C.
nice pic but that compression is what I’d call extreme.
Never not screen realstate,if price is not an issue than price is not an issue.
i7 3770k @ 4.2 and 2TB HD were from original HP Phoenix PC brand '12 everything else swapped at one point or another still punches games in face at ultra but it is at end of its life,cooler is more empty than full lol and DDR 3 mobo have nothing left to offer upgrade wise.
Pics of last thermal refresh and cleaning it received.
Time for 88core unlimited thread ryzen gaming smartphone wireless connected to all the things including drone that helps it levitate to kitchen for sole purpose of making avocado toast and uploading pics online.
Looks like a BORG vivarium… Or the first step to Skynet.
I run a 50 inch 4kUHD TV as my monitor. When running one client, at fullscreen max resolution, it’s beyond beautiful. 99% of the time though, I have three clients up at just under 1920x1080, spread across quarter of the screen, and a browser window opened in the other quarter. I was carrier ratting earlier with the screen maxed out, and it looked amazing. So much room to have UI elements open and organized where I can see more of the game environment.
I have a second system running a 24 inch 1920x1080 curved screen. It’s really nice too, though that’s used for my scout, and to play music while I play.
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