Mmm! Elements, fascinating! I believe my current schedule leaves this evening free, so I may finally be able to attend one of these soirées I’ve heard so much about.
Have always been partial to fire myself, though perhaps a water theme might suit my colouring better…
Lasa? So, I apologize for having another question, but I didn’t really have to check before and I can’t remember-- what’s clearance height on the ceiling in L’Amore? How high can something be before it’ll start bumping stuff?
(I don’t usually have to worry much about questions like this.)
Lasa, I apologize for asking such a question so late, but, what are planned lighting conditions to be like? Bright? Dim? Colored? Variable? Certain costume elements work better, or not so well, depending on the answer, and there are still a couple things I’m trying to decide whether to include.
(It probably won’t surprise anyone if I say “dim” would be ideal, but, it’s not just my personal preference but also great for showing a lot of costume traits off to best effect. Also, if there’s a lot of dimness, it might even be worth installing some little lights of my own.)