Yesterday i have a Fedora 31 installed to see, how it works with evelauncher on wayland. After updating the installation i have downloaded the actual linux eve launcher . In short, he doesn’t work under wayland which are in use on Fedora 31 per default. If i use explicit a Gnome session with Xorg he crashes too provoked trough the delivered xcb libraries i guess.
After fiddling with some install and uninstall things i have in the end the qt libs from Fedora used and now he works flawless after some adjustments
[gharim@amd4k3 ~]$ tar xvf Downloads/evelauncher-1548102.tar.gz
[gharim@amd4k3 ~]$ cd evelauncher/
[gharim@amd4k3 evelauncher]$ rm -vf libQt5* libicu* libxcb* libpng* [Qq]*
[gharim@amd4k3 evelauncher]$ rm -rvf plugins/ resources/
After this commands i have the evelauncher directory cleaned up from the delivered qt libs, xcb libs and other not necessary files and subdirectories. To finaly get it to work i have installed following packages
[gharim@amd4k3 evelauncher]$ sudo dnf install qt5-qtwebengine qt5-qtwebsockets
The evelauncher itself works now but the delivered wine not because he try to run the 32bit wine first which are static linked so i cannot find missing dependencies to get this wine version to work. My solution for this situation was just install Fedora’s wine version with his dependencies and use it instead the delivered wine version. You can use the delivered wine now but i prefer the distribution version, she are newer and have more options build in.