State of the Union: Factional Warfare & Frontlines

If my understanding is correct, this would place pirate frigates like the Daredevil, Dramiel, Worm and Cruor in the same arena with T2 Assault Frigates. Would they be a match against Harpies, Ishkurs, Jaguars and Retributions?


Other than some tweaking to define the extent of “considerably”, this sounds like it would add some action across a wide swath of the game, and not be too difficult/bug-prone for CCP to implement.

Personally I’d maybe go for a “10% decline in rewards across the affected regions, 15% reward for signing up, with potential extra rewards for high performance”. Yes buffs are definitely better than nerfs, but we don’t need CCP “breaking the economy” again.

EVE if this wasn’t a “replacement” for FW, I’d like to see something like this as an add-on, “join the war effort” type. EVE should have a lot more faction-oriented, lore based conflict even beyond FW.

Resource Wars, for instance, could have started the ball rolling in this direction.

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The lack of feedback on such an important subject as to almost warrant a mega thd of its own says it all. Good luck pulling off the enthusiasm needed to make this float.

Edit; @CCP.
You have been weighed #shorts - YouTube

Just had to! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Bro same. I scrolled this whole way looking for some old names from the lowsec pirate blogs years ago.

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Can’t wait! will hopefully be giving as good of feedback as I can!


So basically another nerf for farmers.

Feel free to check out my related post RE Faction warefare.

Farmers dont belong on the battlefield
- “Slimey” Snake McCandless, 2044


Concentrating FW players sounds good. Make faction war an actual war.

You need to add a system that allows people to quickly fix or correct faction standings. Something like paying some isk. This removes one of the bigger reasons people avoid FW now, plus that way individuals and corporations can switch sides easily.

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Well in my case it risk/reward has just made sense to sit in the hanger or grind PVE as needed.
These days leaving the hanger just means I increase my risk of losing ISK more than the likely hood of making isk… And it’s not due to gankers. It’s the economy.

I’ve been looking for quite awhile for a way to get more involved in PVP and EDEN without either being a corp slave or grinding ‘pew pew pew’. Until Fanfest FW just looked like a different grind.

Might get me out of my hanger and I confess hesitant excitement at the potential of the changes.

Can’t drag my Corp into this though.

ridiculous assessment

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instead of catering to a handfull of players that are left in faction warfare CCP should do the changes to learning implants that were promised years ago

3 questions:

  • How do the new supply missions differ from the old ‘Stragetic Material’ faction war contracts from previous faction war content?

  • Do any of these changes impact non-faction war npc stations requesting courier deliveries to faction war stations?

  • Are supply contracts open to anyone (say open federal defense union agents) or are they explicitly faction war missions requiring registered enemy status with other sovereignties. A big deal for those that do business with Jita/Hek/Dodixie/Domain for most of their industry/distribution supplies.


Faction warfare is not for farmer’s. There is actual pve for that.


After so many years without any meaningful change I am so excited to see upcoming rework of FW!
Work your space magic, CCP :stuck_out_tongue:

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Oh it will be magical I am sure. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :smirk: :popcorn:



The mercenary feature is a key selling point. It’s what everybody is waiting for. Sure there should be some advantage to making a stronger commitment but the rest of us just want the opportunity to participate.

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I generally like the design ideas and direction here. Especially the advantage system.

The big issue for me though is the narrative hooks. EVE’s best as a place for telling emergent stories, and these mechanics are cool for that.

But why should I care? What is at stake for the faction if we win or lose? Ect. Those questions are key.

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