Hello dear fellow capsuleers,
I’m facing an issue which I did not succeed to solve so far and would be grateful if you could share some of your wisdom and knowledge with me.
While anchoring a new structure (Astrahus, Raitaru, …), once the position and orientation defined, I get a window indicating :
Window “Deploying a Structure”
- Position the Structure
- Name the Structure
- Assign a Profile to the Structure
- Set the Structure’s Reinforcement Time and Day
If I then click on the button “Position” I get a new window with
- Structure Name text field
- Profile dropbox
- Set Structure Bio (optional) textbox
- Reinforcement hour (+/- 3 hours) dropbox
There are no places there where I can set vulnerability hours …
Once all these set, if I click on “Anchor” button I end up deploying the structure and the 15 minute repair timer and vulnerability window starts …
It seems to me this is not the correct process as the deployment windows - as shown on youtube videos I have been through - should be the following :
Window “Deploying a Structure”
- Position the Structure
- Name the Structure
- Assign a Profile to the Structure
- Set the Structure’s Vulnerability Hours
and then the following window where I can set the vulnerability hours
The character I am using is CEO of his corp which means he has all the rights, has anchoring skill (which I think is only necessary for POS and deployable structures other than citadel, engineering complex and refinery)
I tried deploying the structure in HS and LS. No change. (on youtube videos the deployment is done in HS and this feature is available)
I tried on Sisi as well. No change.
I feel I am missing something but cannot figure out what …
Thanks for your help !
P.S. : I can only insert one picture for the moment unfortunately.