Structure deployment - Vulnerability hours window

Hello dear fellow capsuleers,

I’m facing an issue which I did not succeed to solve so far and would be grateful if you could share some of your wisdom and knowledge with me.

While anchoring a new structure (Astrahus, Raitaru, …), once the position and orientation defined, I get a window indicating :

Window “Deploying a Structure”

  • Position the Structure
  • Name the Structure
  • Assign a Profile to the Structure
  • Set the Structure’s Reinforcement Time and Day

If I then click on the button “Position” I get a new window with

  • Structure Name text field
  • Profile dropbox
  • Set Structure Bio (optional) textbox
  • Reinforcement hour (+/- 3 hours) dropbox
    There are no places there where I can set vulnerability hours …

Once all these set, if I click on “Anchor” button I end up deploying the structure and the 15 minute repair timer and vulnerability window starts …

It seems to me this is not the correct process as the deployment windows - as shown on youtube videos I have been through - should be the following :

Window “Deploying a Structure”

  • Position the Structure
  • Name the Structure
  • Assign a Profile to the Structure
  • Set the Structure’s Vulnerability Hours

and then the following window where I can set the vulnerability hours

2020-03-13 134211 Deployment 4

The character I am using is CEO of his corp which means he has all the rights, has anchoring skill (which I think is only necessary for POS and deployable structures other than citadel, engineering complex and refinery)
I tried deploying the structure in HS and LS. No change. (on youtube videos the deployment is done in HS and this feature is available)
I tried on Sisi as well. No change.

I feel I am missing something but cannot figure out what … :thinking:

Thanks for your help !
P.S. : I can only insert one picture for the moment unfortunately.

Those videos are old. Attackers may now execute their first attack whenever they want (basically, the vulnerable is now the default state of your citadel).

Checkout this helpdesk article for more info.

Thanks @Shipwreck_Jones
I thought being vulnerable was not the default state.

So this window to set Vulnerability Hours shown in these videos has been removed and replace by the one I got where the structure owner only sets a Reinforcement Time and Day to be coherent with helpdesk article you linked.

Thanks a lot :+1:

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