I wish zkillboard had more advanced search features! Then I’d be able to link the kill!
About a year or two ago I lost a sacrilege to a succubus. My sac was a mixed PVP/PVE fit that I used to run low sec and null sec DED and unrated sites, and was able to kill most tackle ships, (not to mention hold itself against fairly large gank fleets until backup arrived. I also used it to bait…) So when a succubus warped to my site I thought I was fine, I’d let the succubus cover the 100km from the gate to where I was, I’d let him tackle me, and I was SURE I’d be able to kill him before his backup, whatever that was, managed to jump in system, warp to the site, and cover the same 100km distance…
So I webbed him, scrammed him, neuted him and opened fire.
Oh my, was I wrong…
I couldn’t kill the succubus, I think I eventually killed some of his backup, but it’s too long ago I can’t find the kills anymore. In the end I died (and I can’t find that kill either…)
In any case… yes, a succubus can kill cruisers (and even T2 cruisers) within web/scram range. Assuming you have backup.