Sugestion to CCP to increase New player Retention and OMEGA

I have a decent idea where this is going. Would the OP still agree to this if some limitations had been applied like the following:

  • this option is removed once omega has been applied to that account
  • this option is removed once that character is 6 months old

Otherwise people are just going to reopen their old alt accounts, probably ones they ripped out the SP from and then let them rot, and utilize them some more. You know, Malcanis’ law at work.

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But there are no mistakes. EVE is not like your RPG game with a limited amount of SP to spread. You have literally unlimited SP available to train into over time. There is simply no such thing as a mistake in the sense of traditional experience points in other games. A delay maybe, but not mistakes.

I went in nullsec after 1 month , back when nullsec wasn’t just farming under the super umbrella … so think twice about this.

im totally agree and i think think restrictions can be even more tighter…

When i throw the idea i throw it as just an "idea " and i would like to open the post to hear more NEW PILOTS insights… As Well as some Veterans full of passiona and comassion for the new players and have emphaty … Not biased bitter vets perspective… When i play this game … i start with ibis too … :slight_smile: and no skill incjetors no alfa clone no 1 mil free skill point… so … But CCP applied these Why ? and Why NOT my sugestion …

thank you so much for respond and contribution and constructive approach around the idea my friend ,\o/

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No, that’s not a mistake, it’s lack of creativity. That is what he used his char for and built it for. Not to mention that you can PVP with mining ships just fine. Just look at the Procuror and Skiff, or Battle Ventures. There simply are no mistakes. Besides, you are not stuck with the skills for months. You can very quickly train into frigates and actually learn to PVP before you waste yourself on BS.

I don’t see any issues with this suggestion, really. Expext newbro to know exactly what skills he need to learn from very beginning is very optimistic. One time redestribution of skillpoints bellow 5 mil will help newbros and does not detract anything from anyone’s else experience.

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No, it is not a mistake. It is poor planing if you insist. And lack of creativity because you can PVP very well in mining ships. Just because something does not go as you think it goes, doesn’t make it a mistake. A mistake is fitting scanning modules on a Phoenix and expecting the ship to work like a Stratios. You can PVP with mining ships. You can also PVP with missiles even though you might want to try guns now. It’s not a mistake, it’s simply a delay until you trained your new fad. And until then you can have lots of fun with the things you have trained if you are actually competent.

That is something people need to understand.

No, it’s not. The person who trained into mining ships did do on purpose, they benefited from the skills and they can even use the ships to do what they want to do. Changing your mind later on on subject doesn’t automatically make the previous decision a mistake. Least of all in EVE where it simply does not matter as you keep accruing SP and can train into all sorts of different aspects and activities over time.

That’s a strawman. New players have a wealth of information available to them to figure out what they want. And if you do not know how to achieve these things, you have people in your newbie corp who you can ask questions. Competence doesn’t mean to know everything about a game, it means to know how to gain knowledge and use the present conditions to your advantage.

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Ok, so let’s say they happen to put SP into mining , but then figure out they wanted combat PvP . So they redistribute for combat PvP . They go out there and find out they suck at combat PvP and decide they now want something else ?
We can spin this forever.

i have a community and we grow pilots into PVP from … i have 200 new pilot atm … Extremely high retention rate most of them already went omega… none of them suck at PVP… most of them hundreds of kills in first month of their eve game play . Rewiev your perspective please.

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Let’s not get too cheesy shall we ?

A one time chance will not be a problem . But the way I see things , it will not improve player retention . You are entitled to an opinion and I can respect that , such as I am entitled to have my own.

Just to clarify my earlier post:

If there was a way to completely and utterly rule out that this would or could be abused by vets repurposing their old accounts or characters, then I’d have no problem with it.

Yes yes, back when us old farts started we had fixed attributes per character and blood line, most of them sucked and we couldn’t rearrange attributes. But now that is gone we can change attribs, the game is better for it and we all make use of it. Still, there is this whole slippery slope thing.

People are right in saying that you can’t really make mistakes because you can just keep training and that is true for omega accounts but not for alphas, those are limited both soft as hard cap. So because of that I’d say that the the option should be removed once omega has been applied, if only once, to that account.

And to avoid older players to (ab)use this system for their old chars remove the option from characters older than 6 months. That gives newbies 6 months time to get to grips with it all and if it didn’t happen by then it doesn’t matter anyway.

I’m sure more restrictions could be thought of but to me these two seems to effectively rule out any “misuse”.

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let be more constructive … and do not try to insult new pilots efforts and enthusiasm shall we?

Write if you have and idea and if you can support your idea … else… dont spam the forum posts with random insults

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Either you have really low expectations or that is a lie.

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And when did I insulted you or anyone in here ? If you are not opened to criticism , don’t start a discussion . It was you that you asked for opinions in the first place.

i am not expecting 2 days old pilot get into loki and go out cloaky camping… My expectations are pretty realistic… when you crash course them about fittings mechanics tactics… give them fre hundreds of ships… teach them damage application mechanics… they can actually do something you know?? people are not idiot !

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It will not have a negative impact , but like I said given with what they already receive as a new player , which is way too generous compared to what we had , I just don’t see how giving them even more will keep them in the game , considering ~ just 5% stick to the game under such great advantages already.

I’ve lead corps to teach newbies pvp and “the harshness of EVE” back in the day, I know they can but only with hand picked people selected on activity and eagerness. On top of that most of those were alts many of which pretended to be new.

200 is a BIG number, I’d say there are many main stream corps out there that don’t even have “200 good pvp pilots”. So yes you CAN do that with newbies, the right type of newbie, but finding 200 of those I don’t think is realistic.

thanks and im honored… that was hillarious… but ■■■■ get real here man :slight_smile: I’m not talking about something theory im talking about something that already happened! Most of them atm… discussing you guys reactions in our discord… why dont you take a peak ???

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