There are three safety levels: Enable safety, Partial safety, Disable safety. They prevent you from accidentally get yourself a Suspect or Criminal status.
But none of them prevent you from getting a Limited Engagement status, which is dangerous as players are in risk of accidentally hit a player who fitted with PVP loadout that they cannot defeat. These players are either stole wrecks or cargo that belong to you or their alts, or attack deployed structures like MTU to make themselves a suspect, and then wait other players attack them to create a Limited Engagement, then they can kill the victim without CONCORD interfering.
As the creation of Limited Engagement cause a serious risk of ship destruction, players may wish to not engage others at all even if their MTU or loots are lost, as their ships are much more valuable.
So we can have an extra safety option: the Enhanced safety, or blue safety for short. A safety level that not only prevent you from become a Suspect or Criminal, it also protects you from attacking ANY other pilots at all, even if they are Suspect, Criminal, Outlaw, at war with you, have Limited Engagement with you, or in the same corporation that allows legal friendly fire with you, or you are in nullsec. As a result, you will never create a Limited Engagement with others unless you are attacked by them first, and you will never get a Weapons Timer unless you are using Command Bursts or Bastion Module (Which give you Weapons Timer but not Log-Off Timer).
Players can keep this level of safety on, so they will never hit others to create Limited Engagement, and then they cannot be legally attacked by most players; they will never get a Weapons Timer if they are not using Commands Burst or Bastion Module at the same time, which prevent them from docking, jumping and tethered to an upwell structure.
Having this level of safety will also help EDENCOM pilots since their weapon system, the Arcing Vorton Projector, can arc and create a Limited Engagement with other players, and thus a neutral victim to PVP fitted MTU attacker.
Despite it prevent you from creating a Limited Engagement, it does not protect you from others that can legally attack you without a Limited Engagement, like war enemies, corp-mate of your corporation with legal friendly fire, or you are an Outlaw, Suspect or Criminal, or if you are in nullsec; it won’t help if you are target by suicide gankers, who can attack you without a legal reason.
Since it is an in-space safety setting, it doesn’t prevent you from sending or accepting duel. You can enable Auto Reject Duel from game settings to protect you from accepting duel instead.
It does not prevent you from attacking your own entities, like your drones or deployed MTU or your unmanned ships in space, and your Vorton Projector will still arc them if they are in range regardless this level of safety is on.