Summary of Blitzable Lv4 Missions

Anize Oramara, the original introducer of “blitzing lv4 missions and burners” has already written this in her still great guide I’m writing this again only because some missions have been changed. Plus I think she intentionally skipped some missions against empires, but since killing ships only induce -0.002 standing per tick, I see no problem doing them.

Major new points:

  1. Serpentis the Assault isn’t blitzable any more.
  2. The LP reward of Recon 1/3 is nerfed, especially the Angel one to hell, though still worth doing.
  3. Damsel in Distress is blitzable now.
  4. Introducing 3 blitzable missions against Amarr.
  5. Introducing some very-short missions, which may not be worth doing for isk/h, but helps fix Agent standing if you’ve rolled 10 of those 9k+LP missions in a row.

As I tested today, Machariel is still the best ship to use for all these missions. In some particular missions, Rattlesnake or Marauder may perform a bit better but if you’re only buying 1 battleship, it’s definitely the Machariel. Plus Machariel isn’t that expensive anyway. And I’m introducing 2 additional Machariel fits for some of the specific missions. I’ll post the fits in the next post though to make the format better.

Mission List
Ranged in alphabetic order. LP and estimated isk reward is the data in Lanngisi. Plus there was a credible guy who found out that “given LP = mission base LP * (1.63 - system true sec)”. All missions labelled as “Adjacent system” also have a chance to spawn in the agent system.

Angel Cartel Spy
Adjacent system
Isk: about 1mil LP: 2594
Fit: Autocannon Mach.
Load Republic Fleet Fusion or Hail. Just kill all ships there.
Not recommended unless you need to fix your agent standing.

Cargo Delivery
Adjacent system
Isk: about 0.8mil LP: 2055
Fit: Fast MWD combat ceptor
Not recommended unless you need to fix your agent standing. Though still better than some others.

Damsel in Distress
Adjacent system
Isk: about 2.5mil LP: 6286
Fit: Range Mach
Load Republic Fleet Phased Plasma. Warp at 70km. Shoot and put sentries on the pleasure garden closest to mission beacon. There should be a spawn when the structure is under 75% armor. Align to back gate when webbed by spider drones. At the time of writing the Hacking Card drop from Zor is worth over 20mil so it’s also worthy to kill Zor after the structure is down. Bookmark the wreck and loot it later when passing throught the system in a frigate. Plus there’s a chance that Zor also drops a good implant.

Dread Pirate Scarlet
In constellation
Isk: about 4mil isk LP: 9028
Fit: Alpha Mach
(If you do not have Gate Key, kill the initial spawn to get it. This key does not get used up, so hold on to it for running this mission in the future.) Load Republic Fleet EMP. MWD to gate, activate it. In 2nd room, lock and blap Scarlet while MWDing to gate. Activate the gate, blap Scarlet again while MWDing to her. Keep burning and tract the cargo. Start aligning when the cargo is close and warp out when it is looted.

Duo of Death
In constellation
Isk: about 1.3mil LP: 3068
Fit: Autocannon Mach. Replace the cap battery with a web if you don’t bother so.
Load Republic Fleet Fusion or Hail. Use MJD immediately upon landing while locking the two battleships and spider drones. Use light drones (and the web) to kill spider drones while approaching and shooting the battleships. Activate MWD after one spider drone dies. Keep burning to the cargo drop from the second battleship, and tract it. Start aligning when the cargo is close and warp out when it is looted.
Not recommended unless you need to fix your agent standing.

Pirate Invasion
In system
Isk: about 2.3mil LP: 5620
Fit: Autocannon Mach
Load Republic Fleet Fusion or Hail. MWD to Carrier Wreckage, or that huge Veldspar asteroid if you can’t find the wreckage. Kill the 6 battleships spawned there. Use MJD if pointed by frigates, and warp out.

Pot and Kettle 1/5
In constellation
Isk: about 1.8mil LP: 4692
Fit: Alpha Mach
Load Republic Fleet EMP. Upon landing, lock and blap the Prophecy while aligning back.
-0.002 standing towards Amarr.
The Prophecy drops 2x Imperial Navy Colonel Insignia I or one of that plus an Imperial Navy Major Insignia I. Not worthy to come back later to collect.
Not recommended if spawning 2 or more jumps away unless you need to fix your agent standing. Though still better than some others.

Recon 1/3
In system
Isk: about 1.2mil LP: 3420
Fit: Fast MWD combat ceptor

Recon 2/3
In system
Isk: about 0.6mil LP: 1459
Fit: Fast MWD combat ceptor
Not recommended unless you need to fix your agent standing. Though still better than some others.

Right Hand of Zazzmatazz
In constellation
Isk: about 1.6mil LP: 4097
Fit: Autocannon Mach
Load Republic Fleet Phased Plasma. Don’t use heavy drones in this mission. Upon landing, MWDing to the indicated structure while shooting at Zor. Tracting Zor’s wreck after he’s dead and loot it. Shoot the structure while aligning to back gate.
At the time of writing the Hacking Card drop from Zor is worth over 20mil so this mission is pretty good. Plus there’s a chance that Zor also drops a good implant.

Rogue Slave Trader 1/2
Adjacent system
Isk: about 1mil LP:2378
Fit: Autocannon Mach
Load highest DPS ammo. Upon landing, MWDing to the indicated structure while shooting and putting drones on it. Loot the drop after it’s destructed.
Not recommended unless you need to fix your agent standing.

Rogue Slave Trader 2/2
Adjacent system
Isk: about 2mil LP: 4968
Fit: Autocannon Mach
Load Republic Fleet EMP. Kill all ships at warp-in. Activate gate. Align to back gate upon landing while shooting the 2 elite cruisers.
If you have accepted the 1/2 you should definitely do this otherwise you almost don’t gain standing at all.

Smash the Supplier
In system
Isk: about 3.5mil LP: 9467
Fit: Range Mach
Load highest DPS ammo. Target the Amarr Shipyard Control Tower and destroy it. Heating guns recommended because the longer you’re on grid, the closer enemies will be and the more dps you’ll suffer.
Actually good isk/hr, but you’ll take 0.24 standing loss towards Amarr.

Stop the Thief
Adjacent system
Isk: about 1.3mil LP: 3823
Fit: Autocannon Mach
Load Republic Fleet Phased Plasma. Don’t use drones in this mission. Upon landing, aligning to back gate while shooting at the Mercenary Overlord. Then shoot the Shadow.
Not recommended unless you need to fix your agent standing. Though still better than some others.

Surprise Surprise
In constellation
Isk: about 2mil LP: 4685
Fit: Range Mach
Load Republic Fleet Phased Plasma. Upon landing, align to up-right diagnol direction and activate MJD while locking the Transport Ship and put Target Painter on it. Deploy sentries while shooting the Amarr battleship spawned right to the Transport Ship. Then shoot the Caldari battleship spawned slighty off from the other two. Aligning to back gate when webbed by the staiss tower.
The Amarr battleship drops an Imperial Navy General Insignia I. The Caldari battleship drops a Caldari Navy Vice Admiral Insignia I. I can kill a Caldari battleship with 2-3 shots (32s-48s) so it may also be worthy to kill the other 2 to collect the tags (you may want an MTU in this case).
-0.002 standing towards Amarr. Not recommended if spawning 2 or more jumps away unless you need to fix your agent standing. Though still better than some others.


Machariel Fits

[Machariel, Autocannon Machariel]
Damage Control II
Multispectrum Energized Membrane II
Large Armor Repairer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Counterbalanced Compact Gyrostabilizer

500MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
Tracking Computer II
Tracking Computer II
Tracking Computer II
Large Micro Jump Drive
Large Cap Battery II

800mm Repeating Cannon II
800mm Repeating Cannon II
800mm Repeating Cannon II
Small Tractor Beam II
800mm Repeating Cannon II
800mm Repeating Cannon II
800mm Repeating Cannon II
800mm Repeating Cannon II

Large Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II
Large Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II
Large Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II

Hobgoblin II x5
Infiltrator II x5
Valkyrie II x5

[Machariel, Range Machariel]
Thermal Armor Hardener II
Reactor Control Unit II
Large Armor Repairer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II

500MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
Tracking Computer II
Tracking Computer II
Tracking Computer II
Large Micro Jump Drive
Target Painter II

1400mm Prototype Siege Cannon
1400mm Prototype Siege Cannon
1400mm Prototype Siege Cannon
Drone Link Augmentor II
1400mm Prototype Siege Cannon
1400mm Prototype Siege Cannon
1400mm Prototype Siege Cannon
1400mm Prototype Siege Cannon

Large Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II
Large Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II
Large Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II

Hobgoblin II x5
Warden II x4

[Machariel, Alpha Machariel]
Damage Control II
Reactor Control Unit II
Large Armor Repairer II
Inertial Stabilizers II
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II

500MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive
Tracking Computer II
Tracking Computer II
Tracking Computer II
Large Micro Jump Drive
Target Painter II

1400mm Prototype Siege Cannon
1400mm Prototype Siege Cannon
1400mm Prototype Siege Cannon
Small Tractor Beam II
1400mm Prototype Siege Cannon
1400mm Prototype Siege Cannon
1400mm Prototype Siege Cannon
1400mm Prototype Siege Cannon

Large Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II
Large Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II
Large Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II

Use meta4 auto cannons, factional drones and T1 tractor beam if you don’t have the skill for them.

In cargo: a lot of Republic Fleet EMP Ls, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma Ls, Hail Ls/Republic Fleet Fusion Ls, 3 * Optimal Range Scripts, 3 * Tracking Speed Scripts, Gate Key.

If you’re bold enough you can also fit less tank and more dps/agility. Like in practice my armor has never been touched in missions using the Range and Alpha fits and even if things go wrong you still have MJD to save your ship (all missions where I ask you to use MJD before completion don’t have tackles). I fit the Hardener/DCU merely in case of disconnection, and the repairer to repair the damage I’ve suffered from other missions.

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spotted the farmer

Thanks, mate, for putting effort into it!

Three TCs instead of two and a Target Painter?

Because range is really a thing on projectile weapons.

Right … you’re using Prototypes. My bad.
In my mind I was using t2 and Tremor for some reason.

That’s something I really need to be doing again.


I don’t believe Tremor do more damage than EMP/PP/Fusion at 70km with 3 range scripted tracking computer on.

I have no idea anymore, actually, but also didn’t know what ranges you’re considering.

I’m wondering if you recommend ungrouping the 1400s to save time switching between targets, or if not … why?

I usually just chainlock targets and wait hovering the F1 key to start shooting at the first lock. Then I cycle through the other F keys until I’m back at F1, at which the process repeats. Due to the incoming locks the turrets just cycle through the targets. When one pops, I just lock the next one. There’s minimal downtime that way, compared to having all turrets grouped and then instapopping a target possibly even with only three of the seven turrets used.

I haven’t actually done this in years.
I should get me a Tempest to trigspace.

That one is not for killing efficiency. It’s just because that if you shoot it with all 7 guns you’ll likely kill it, and get 0.24 standing loss towards Amarr. And I forgot to say regroup immediatly afterwards, now I’ve added that.

one of the best ships for blitzing, which requires manual flight is the Typhoon fleet.

Interesting discussion, just one tiny question:

Why are all the missions still exactly the same as they were like ten years ago?

I returned to the game after a long hiatus and feel deeply disappointed in how CCP has added tons of improvements for nullsec alliance players and lowsec pirates, but basically spits into the face of mission running highsec carebears by leaving the PvE missions as they were a decade ago, AND adding this ■■■■■■■■ PvP Halloween event where all the lowsec gankers come to highsec to hunt for noobs.

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Missions are wrapped and tangled in spaghetti code. Any new pve content was written in different code. CCP has stated several times, they wanna tackle missions, but it would likely take months to figure it out without breaking something.

Note–Right Hand of Zazzmatazz

You now only have to kill Zor, tractor wreck while killing structure, and then warp out when that’s dead and zor’s looted. No other kills (cruisers near zor, BS near him) are required. They USED to be, but not now.

Second note: Stop the Thief.

You no longer have to buy the reports, killing Shadow automatically deposits the report in your cargo. Load plasma, land, align to out gate, Kill BS, kill Shadow, warp out.

Third note: Damsel in distress.

Use marauder. Warp to location, approach the pleasure hub Lock and shoot, MJD active when 20km from it. Blap the pleasure hub–when zor spawns, approach him (by this time you will be webbed by spider drones), then blap Zor. MJD to the Zor wreck and tractor it (it will be about 30km off), align while it tractors, loot, and warp out (this trick is harder in a machariel, due to lack of tractor range). Using the MJD to jump to range guarantees Zor will ALWAYS spawn at the right range for the tractor.

Zor, in both missions mentioned here, and as you mentioned, drop that tag worth 20m–but ALSO have a 1/20 chance of the Zor’s Custom Navigation Hyper-Link, worth 60m.

Good guide.

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The USIA chose RHML Typhoon FI to use mainly because they want more to full clear missions than blitz missions. When full clearing, you have a ton of small/medium ships to shoot and the groups can be seperated very far from each other, where the application and range of missiles shine. But to blitz missions it means cherry-picking. Count how many drones/small or medium ships I mentioned in these few selected missions.

That is what we do is blitz. Time = money. The more we blitz, the more we make

The blitz I’m talking about is only doing burner missions (and probably even cherry picking some of them) and skip most of other missions, including all requiring more than 7 minutes from accepting missions to completing missions. I really see no good point for a Typhoon Fleet Issue.
Plus manual piloting is no use in any of these missions. I’m pretty sure that you can buffer tank all of them with a polarized T1 battleship with no buffer module and sitting still.

Surprise,Surprise drops around 32 m in tags for me…you might want to check those wrecks. :grin:

32 mil total or per battleship?


then it’s about 4mil per battleship.

The Caldari battleship took me 48s to kill (with 3 volleys). So its 4mil / 48s * 3600 = 300 mil/hr. May be worthy to also kill the other two then.

Sorry, I should have been more clear. All the ships add up to north of 32m (used to be 36+), just not only the BS.
However, since the lesser ships die in one/perhaps 2 volleys, it completes super fast when paired with MTU and tractor beamed equipped ship like a marauder. It may NOT be worth it if using your very high rate of return. I find it useful because I can earn opposing faction tags without tanking my standing with them. :grinning: