Surgical Strike – Coming 15 April

Making ships less tanky won’t encourage brawls even if you buff short range weapons. People naturally don’t want to die so they will kite. Welcome to even more kite online as they don’t tank much anyway. Brawlers will be even more at a disadvantage to kiters. You talk about the gedd n etc. Do you know why people use them? Massive tank is one reason. Not because they are paper thin sitting ducks to be sniped off the field lol.


It’s obviously because they don’t understand how bad ganking is for the game. Sage and perspicacious players like you need to insist more to enlighten them and everybody else about how bad, evil, and too easy ganking is.

So please be sure to add your enlightening comments with at least a couple posts in each and every thread where it may seem remotely appropriate. Actually, scratch the last part, do it in each and every thread that you come across, don’t worry whether it’s not even on topic there.


Time to take a break from this game. You continue to so dramatically change things that it’s getting ridicules. People have invested billions into skills and ships and you just completely nerf them into oblivion … thanks. How is this friendly to “new” players that invested into certain ships and modules. You keep saying you are trying to atract that playerbase … yet here you are nerfing away at everything and changing the landscape CONSTANTLY. Don;t fix what is not broken,

This is becoming a First person shooter…fights are already ridiculessly short. Stupid update…


Burn Jita April 16th


How would you know with your amazing 0 kills?

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In other words: “HTFU, we warned you.”
Nice to see CCP has balls!


This can be at least somewhat offset by the buff to short range ammo, but that does limit your engagement envelope and requires more skills so…yeah. I feel you on this.

At least folks using Cats and Taloses to gank haulers and miners will be happy.

Also…what is this 20% reduction to shields you mentioned?


this update is a horrible idea, abyssal runners rely massively on resistances, without that 20% theres no way people can run high tiers…horrible update CCP…


Seems to me, some sort of module or script to an existing modue to reduce the all or specific resists of a pointed target would have been a better way to go about doing this, rather than nerfing resists across the board. What you’ve done is just made people easier to gank, and as others have mentioned made high end PvE MUCH more difficult.


My point, exactly. Time to run Abyss like there is no tommorrow.


I just don’t understand one thing CCP.
How do you want to make more bloodier battles, if we can’t build enough close range battleships because of the great mining nerfs?


That’s t2 ammo, or did I misunderstand?

That’d shoot up the cost of the ship considerably. It’d also increase the required SP considerably. I’m not even sure it’s doable to fit a t2 turret double-volley thrasher without also having AWU skilled.

Having t2 ammo buffed adds nothing to this ship.
The insane amount of money wasted isn’t worth it.

Ah, I misunderstood the shield extender part.
Well, at least it’s just resistances …

Sharpen the knives!
Gut the capital menace!


yes, subcapital-capital-supercapital ecosystem is important. we can see the intention in supercap adjustment. but i think you also have to give us more reason to escalate normal capital ships in subcapital fight. we need buff in carrier and haw dread’s anti-subcapital ability to make ‘step by step escalation’ happen smoothly. and to extend the use of capital ships.

Yes, T2 short range ammo only. (But all variants, so AC and Arty.)

It’s still a lousy situation for the 2-volley Thrasher no matter what, was just looking for any kind of bright side.


Also…that “20% reduction” was, I’m pretty sure, the 20% resist reduction being incorporated into tiericide, not an additional 20% reduction in shield module hitpoints. So at least there’s that.

WTS flaming torches and pitchforks.

Getting it in now before the angry mob forms.

I’d like to see some actual numbers, the patch notes should be interesting; as will the reaction from people that don’t catch this dev blog.


U cant kill whachu cant see or reach lol.

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Хочу просто оставить такой ответ. Если ЕVE создана основном только для ПВП, а не для того чтоб игрок сам выбирал стиль игры и жизни в этом мире - то это обновление хорошо как любителям пообнимать Гайки у лоусек, хайсечных суицидников- ну и конечно для всех уже выросших игроков со стажем от 10лет и выше… Лично для себя не нахожу ни чего интересного в данной задумке… Ребята- кто придумывает и работает над изменениями- вы бы создали лучше новое- чем ломать то что вы уже сделали… Хотите бои… Вы их получите… но вот какой кайф от игры получат начинающие игроки с малым стажем? Что они могут противопаставить этим 10летним жителям Нового Эдема? Будет ли интерес продолжать игру когда тебя постоянно сливает кучка суицидников на эсминцах в зеленке или при проходе гиперворот на территории Хайсек??? В общем… мне такая задумка не по душе… Всем спасибо-всем всего доброго!


Damage control mods and reactive armor hardener stay unchanged?

Agreed, they turned us into numbers over night. We can’t feel the human being behind these patch notes. That is what EvE was special about next to every other game out there ever created.

“Changes are all in line with the stated goals of the EVE Ecosystem Segment”? What does that mean dude? Speak english, think with your own head. Your people changed every single ship ingame with changing resistances in this patch and acted like it’s nothing. And that is just 10% of the stuff beeing affected by this patch.