No it isn’t 40k
Learn to do maths.
The base resistances haven’t been affected. Also if you have both shield & armour resistance mods on a fit? You have no clue how to fit and need to learn.
It’s only 20% off the modules. It’s likely your 200k Battleship is actually increasing in EHP now, since well all Battleships also got a base HP buff. But even if we ignore that you probably are much more like 180k-190k. So sure, it’s dropped a little, so have your enemies EHP dropped a little so you can drop incoming DPS much faster.
No #### Sherlock. I said SERIOUSLY affected. Of course play has been affected.
But unless your actually prepared to pony up with a real situation where you can’t do it any more… And prove that it’s a real situation not a made up perfect for my example situation.
Because your targets have also had their EHP dropped so you don’t need to last as long to kill them.
though have to question the whole blanket approach vs something like increases to the stacking penalties.
keeping the first resistance module at 100% and then hamstringing the following would have been a better result. it would stop multiple Energized/non adaptive nano membrane and adaptive invulnerability stacking that most players do to get the high resistances for the least amount of mid/lowslots.
It’s not 20% off of your total EHP, it’s calculated differently. If your ship has 200k EHP, it will end up having more like 185k to 190k EHP. Second, if you are both shield AND armor tanking, you’re doing it wrong…
It’s because we’ve been through some of this before, with flat nerfs across the board. It’s a heavy-handedness that doesn’t work, it’s unbalanced. It creates its own butterfly effect.
At best it will result in slighty faster fights in pvp. It will also result in more complaints from hisec and from pve’ers, which will bring about another set of nerfs and so on. “They” (as in ccp) are enthusiastic about this type of measure, just like “they” were with the magic Entosis Wand. We all know where that went.
The nerfs on Legion and Loki, they are targeted at specifically successful fittings. Can live with that although I run both.
The nerf on bomb damage output doesn’t make any mathematical sense in relation to the 20% reduction in module effectiveness (which is 20% of a percentage). Whoever is responsible for the bomb nerf should be honest about it and admit that it is a nerf to bombing. Or learn how to calculate, pure and simple.
Which then either impacts every other module in the game or creates an inconsistent hidden gameplay, where people can’t accurately predict what stacking penalties are because they aren’t consistent… So yes, CCP IQ is higher than yours clearly
Ok… So lets see the actual numbers. And the situation in which you need to do this. Not just some vague claims.
And I’ll lay good odds we are looking at one of the scenarios where CCP are intending specifically to nerf.
Well with the continual changes CCP will get its only desire for small gang PVP when the game only has a couple of hundred players left in a couple of years. Funny thing is I do not like space ship games but played this game because it was the closest thing to a paper and dice game, the game play is really not that great but it was a real sand box but when CCP keeps using it as a litter box and the sand box is no more then you look at what the actual game play is like and look for an actual modern game with engaging game play with real balance not controlled by reddit trolls.
I like the subcap changes and I think they’ll definitely lead to more explosions. However, unless you remove the damage cap on structures (or do something else to make supercapitals better at structure bashing, like removing the damage cap and dramatically increasing citadel HP so that the larger citadels are too much work to bash with subcaps), there will be no reason to own a Titan except for the jump bridge. Right now, you can hit the damage cap on just about anything with subcaps, so there’s no point in structure bashing with supercaps. If defenders have no reason to drop their supercaps on attacking subcaps (since they’ll be crap at fighting subcaps,) the attackers will have no reason to escalate with their own supercap fleet. However, if supercaps can burn through structure timers faster than subcaps, that would go a long way towards giving them value as structure-bashers. And if they have value as structure bashers, defenders will have the opportunity to drop on them with their own supercaps. Then Bob’s your father’s brother.
This is the feeling I get too, it seems like people don’t buy much PLEX at all due to the pve activities currently available in game, nerfing them will cause players to buy more PLEX.
Well I for one am not supporting CCP, I’m voting with my wallet hopefully a lot of other players do as well and after this is all and done with I hope whoever thought of this idiotic idea gets fired.
This is the bit where you are wrong.
They just want less isk in the economy.
If people earn less, they sub which actually brings CCP LESS money. The people buying PLEX are not going to buy more because of these changes, they will actually buy less because there are fewer customers to buy the PLEX.
So… take the tinfoil off, CCP are doing this to make loss meaningful, just like they said.
The biggest change coming in this update is a 20% reduction in the power of all modules that increase shield or armor resistances. That means energized plating, armor coating, armor hardeners, shield hardeners and shield resistance amps.
I do not see Damage Controls or Rigs in this text, CCP please confirm.
Actually you are wrong, less ways of earning isk means you force players to buy PLEX and sell for isk you fail to consider this effect also, people do not have a lot of time to grind isk hence they buy PLEX then convert it to isk to be able to buy ships and modules.
Exactly, because the deadline is running out to collect on the Bonus Pay.
The game was sold for $425 million which was a combination of $225 million upfront payment and up to $200 million in a deferred performance-based payout.
I don’t know how much time was set for the performance-based payout, just know that the sale was finalized in Oct 2018. I’m thinking at least a couple of years to complete the transaction.
The strangest thing is that both CCP Guard and CCP Falcon were very vocal supporters of the sale with lot’s of great praise for the future of Eve. Almost 1 year ago CCP Guard left and then about 7 months later CCP Falcon also left.
Make of that what you will, it just doesn’t bode well with me.
Well i’m really not a fan of the EHP nerf for subcaps, I feel like that is going to massively promote even more kite fits. A slight increase in damage of close range weapons isn’t going to make up for the huge drop in EHP that close range, high resist ships will have to deal with.
I can deal with that, can definitely mothball Amulets and go with Snakes, but is that really the intent here?
But instead of going about it in a sneaky way why not just blatantly announce their intentions to monetize the game hell they can even go to extremes and sell PLEX insurance for ships lost and the modules inside the ship a lot of people would probably buy that instead of going about it in a lecherous kind of way like they are doing now.