I have been here for 13 years they used to sell time codes on a forum called the time code bazaar its why the games economy is totally fked up. Plex was a temporary solution that should been removed after 1-2 years once the isk sellers were gone. Trust me none of them give a flip about eve anymore. This game is yesterdays jam.
It’s not surprising that people get emotional when significant changes are made that directly affect them, or their view of the game in general; and I think rants to a degree are a good sign of the health of the game.
There isn’t much negative about people releasing some steam following an initial reaction to something. That in part, is why I think these centralised threads are good. They are often have a high number of rant posts and give people a chance to say their bit.
Once most people reflect on things though, they don’t end up unsubbing and going to different games. It’s only 2 weeks ago that CCP commented on recovery in concurrent users and they clearly feel that there is enough room to absorb short term drops, expecting that in the long term it will come back again as the affect of the changes improves the overall health of the game, and people see that the changes don’t work out as bad in practice and their initial reaction expected.
I think CCP kind of expect this by now and aren’t really bothered by it tbh (but that’s just speculation on my part based on the fact that they don’t just mass ban large parts of the community for ranting).
Everyone supports CCP shaking things up, so long as it’s someone else’s thing getting the shake. It’s not supposed to be their thing - that would be unconscionable.
Other Guy’s thing, though? Flip the table over, idgaf.
I’m not going to expose fits. The fact is solo ships rely on high ehp, which is usually obtained via expensive ass deadspace mods, which will now be 20% more useless. It affects any ship that was relying on resistances not to be alpha’d, which is far more than you apparently realize. The fact is if their goal was to equalize capital ships then they would only need to make changes to capital ships. This adversely affects many other aspects of the game. I fundamentally disagree with making it hard for the little man to get his due. The 1000 person blocks already make that hard enough, no need to gimp me more.
They want more people to buy plex its all about greed. They are disguised with statements as we are doing this to make the game better. Naw these changes are designed to generate ccp more income.
before you post remember the devs are trying to make the game better and they’re working in the middle of a pandemic to do it. if you have constructive feedback give it, if you’re just going to rant or be abusive keep it to yourselves
Let me fix this for you
Before you post remember the devs are trying to make the game more profitable for CCP and they’re working in the middle of a pandemic to do it. if you have constructive feedback give it, if you’re just going to rant or be abusive keep it to yourselves
I sincerely hope you vote with your wallet along with the rest of us, if this is the direction CCP wants to take then do not support them cancel your omega sub and put in the the reason why you are doing so hopefully we get enough people to voice our opinions that it will be taken seriously by CCP!
Yes, how terrible, CCP nerfed certain ships EHP by a few percent… They are so evil and moneygrabbing…
Sarcasm off.
You guys need to settle, very few areas of the game are seriously affected by these changes.
You stopped on the spot, instead of working out new mechanics by introducing other modules, ships, you just change the characteristics with the old ones. Not a single normal patch has been released recently, nor an event either.
20% is a lot when the EHP of my battleship was 200k that’s fuking 40k and what if I have both shield and armor? resistance mods that could be like 80K EHP… WTF! ccp just wants more stuff to blow so more people buy plex and they can pay off their masters at pearl abyss. many of us knew this game was screwed when it was bought for 425m by pearl abyss.
**[quote=“Nevyn_Auscent, post:984, topic:230569, full:true”]
Yes, how terrible, CCP nerfed certain ships EHP by a few percent… They are so evil and moneygrabbing…
Sarcasm off.
You guys need to settle, very few areas of the game are seriously affected by these changes.