Surgical Strike – Coming 15 April

Righto then I’ll be getting the Vindi out of the garage.


Can you not read, I said I’m keeping my main but the rest can go, If I do leave fully (can see that happening soon tbh) I wouldn’t give it to someone who asks with a typical troll post.Ask for my stuff in a creative, clever or witty way and you never know what you may get :stuck_out_tongue:


Do ships still rust in station?

Because then a shitstorm worse than the Summer Of Rage would erupt from the playerbase. CCP needs players to keep playing and spending money so that the game numbers look good.

That’s why every couple months some new event and Skill Point Giveaway is presented with a Micro-transaction deal along with more game changes done that facilitate an easier transition to F2P/P2W game mode. The only reason CCP implemented Alpha Clone status was to help bring in more players and money. One way or another they will fulfill their performance contract and collect the $200 mill bonus payment.

CCP is known for painting a beautiful picture and promising the world, but when it’s time to deliver, will only show you ‘The Door’.


Explain to me why CCP would not want more players?
Like, seriously, “The Game company is doing things to make their game a success”, and you put it as a bad thing.
You need to put down the salt, it’s getting to the self harm levels when you come out with stupid stuff like that.

Things i’m excited for:

  1. Brawling Cruisers, battlecruisers and HAC’s!
  2. Possibly more viable HAM and Torpedo fits over Rapid missiles for pvp
  3. Nice buff for all Battleships, both for pvp and pve but especially the ones that needed it the most
  4. More dps for Marauders
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The door is going to be shown to CCP when subscribers of Omega drop like flies. Their Korean masters will crack the whip.


Yeah. I guess we’re just disappointed that CCP isn’t that super nice content developer and is a monetizing corporation like the rest of them. Look out, pretty sure all CCP devs choose Caldari as their starting race. (Maybe why they got some systems back) (that’s a joke I’m not suggesting CCP devs abuse their powers)

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Most forget or were not there. CCP has shown it’s willingness to lose a mass amount of players before. To what gain is anybody’s guess.

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nope. i wanted my SP back. if u devastating something in MMO, which oriented to long-term objectives, u should compensate to people their efforts and time. thats my opinion.
now devs just saying, like, u worked for months and now u just lost it. not because u made a critical mistake, or was hacked or something else. we just want so and thats it, end of story. u has it and now u dont.


I think your looking for this link.

What happened to mining?
Why no PVE?
Why no industry?
And why no transportation?

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why would tehy be available? I just repro them… and I bet so do many others…

Because they are doing a chicken little.

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That would be a huge nerf to NPC for what’s probably amounts to a 5% difference in player ship ehp.

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Cheaper ganking > less miners > less ice and ore mined in highsec > higher demand and prices?

What baffles me is why CCP would not try to do something to keep is current subs, and encourge new subs to omega. What is the logic behind pissing of your base. Do they think for every 1 sub that leaves they get 2 new subs?


Because powercreep is worse.

The whole ecosystem problem has come from a thousand little changes of ‘just a bit more safety. Just a bit more isk/hour’. And the game has suffered such that large nerfs are now needed to improve the games long term future.

It’s gonna hurt. A lot. But let that be a lesson to the devs on why it’s such a bad idea to just let people have what they want all the time, because once they’ve got it, it’s not so easy to take it away again, even if it’s for their own good.

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  1. Diemost will suck outside of fighting on gates/in plexes…
    Brawling T1 cruisers still require near perfect skills to fit and are going to be even more squishy
  2. Nothing being done about the real issues with missiles i.e. HAMs don’t apply to anything moving and torps neither apply to anything moving and take forever to get there outside of a couple niche ships like the Golem
  3. Battleships will still get nomed by HACs, T3s, and anything larger than them, infact the disparity is going to be higher because there is no battleship with a true T2 resist, and they still won’t be able to hit MWDing HACs or T3s
  4. maruaders are such a small perecentage of what needs to be putzed with it sort of beggars belief.

…OTOH torp bombers just go more scary.

These aren’t even that large a nerf.