Surgical Strike – Coming 15 April

The new player retention is extremely low something like 10% its a known fact coming from CCP’s own admission that they cannot retain new players, so its not really a big deal for them to kill off the entire new player community by nerfing isk generating pve activities, the only thing CCP seems to be clinging on is to keep the vets / old time players in game.

At this point I think Pearl Abyss should directly know how unhappy the community is with these changes they introduced maybe that will force Pearl Abyss to change the CCP management and put actual people that care about growing their investment instead of killing it off!


Fingers crossed for a HAC and T3 nerf

Damn new players and their huge logi wings…grrr

You didn’t read the patch notes did you?

Eagle is going to go even slower in addition to losing enough PG that I have no idea how its going to fit a tank

Munnin takes a 12% haircut to range and damage

Loki and Legion (of all things) get absolutely hammered like foreget fitting arties or beams and missiles larger than rapids are questionable.

I did, but i was thinking something more generic across the classes rather than looking at one or two.

What I’d really like is for t1 to become much more relevant.

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That was well said, and I totally agree.

Fixed your post for you, no need to thank me :slight_smile:

Oh but they are! so very very stupid, look there’s a bunch of them here in this very thread!!!

Here’s one:

and another one

And another one

And another one

Damn there’s a lot of stupid in this thread :confused: Won’t you people please think of the children!!!



“Hey guys, we’re going to nerf an aspect of the game. You should go test it out and see the numbers that undoubtedly are going to change before going live. Don’t worry, we’ll disregard any feedback. Enjoy!”

That’s what these devblogs have become anymore- a lack of information, a push to get players onto the test server, and a blatant disregard for feedback. Well, this is mine- give us numbers, and communicate why THIS change is the one that is best for the game overall. As I see it, it will cut off certain PvE aspects (T5 abyssal will be the hardest hit) while giving a buff to ganking (I think it will still the same, rather than declining, due to cost) while barely addressing what it purports to address.


I am pretty sure I am going to be done with this game. As it stands now, I can deal with “The Code” but every time I go out to mine there is Raznaborg I barely get 5 minutes of mining before I am chased off. What is the point? And with out us miners in the game you can’t build ships, so just keep on pissing of miners.


But there are so many other miners out there who know how to play the game and don’t cry like you. :frowning:

Edit: I can see you typing and trying to come up with something to say. But you don’t have to. If you’re mining in highsec, you’re irrelevant. You say things like “without us, you can’t build ships”, but you contribute so little to the game overall. It’s like you don’t realize how small you are but still think you’re some hot commodity.

Can you tell me how much Ore you’ve mined? How many ships did you actually build?

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Aww what sweet imbecile you are.

Which feedback do you want them to listen to?
The cries of ‘CCP hates me’ or the rational numbers people. Because all the rational numbers people have been fine with this proposed change.
I mean sure it’s a little nerf to some things, it’s a buff to other things, but where exactly do you expect CCP to make dramatic changes to their proposal, what is this gaping issue you’ve spotted.

Yeah… Don’t be stupid Scoots. No player is irrelevant if they interact with the market at all. They might be small, but not irrelevant, Saying dumb stuff like this is what is commonly known as trolling.

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My main has been in the game since day one…when CCP sold to Pearl Abyss and the CCP old guard left, it was the beginning of the end.


They are small enough to be irrelevant.

I don’t recall the last time fleets were built off the backs of people mining 2m isk worth of Veldspar in highsec per hour.

You’ve played EVE Online for 16 years and yet the only two things you mention are 2 “threats” the only occur in High Sec?
Wow, you sure showed me. 16 years of doing nothing but mining in highsec. Wow!

As said many times before, not a nerf on total EHP, but to shields/armor resistance ( and even so not total, only for modules applied)

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I don’t have to show you, you do quite well on your own.


Iono, I think this says enough about who you claim to be and how worthwhile your opinion is.

Bloody right.

Is there any way to edit the stats of modules in Pyfa in order to see what the EHP reduction is going to be before this is released?

Vagabond is a terrible fleet ship
Sacrilege is a joke (just ask Goons they tried that recently)
Zealot STILL doesn’t have enough grid (it hasn’t for years now)
Ishtar has been nerfed out of the meta
Diemost doesn’t have the range with rails, and has distinct fitting problems with 250s

Munnin has been nerfed both of the last two patches
Eagle too a 100m/s hit (and it was no racer to start with)

I for one welcome my new Cerb overlords.